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somebody help me before it costs a laptop and tablet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
Country Flag
I am crap with tech stuff!!# *^^&*ing memory map i am going to kill something soon.

what i am trying to do is get maps from my fully paid for version of MM and put it on my tablet easy hey... NO

the MM on the computer is saying no the tablet is not connected so check in my computer yes the computer reads it.

so i think i will put my SD card into computer and copy maps. MM says no it will not copy.

found a bit after 4 days saying that i need to put the sd card back into tablet and run software again. how do i do this i have signed in to my account what else is there to do.

i have sent MM a question but it takes upto 24hrs to get a reply.

no matter what i try to do i cant get this crap to work.

anybody good that can help. if not i will set fire to the laptop.

i flipping hate IT rubbish.

cheers stu
Shot in the dark Stu but have you tried restarting each machine while they are hooked up
yes mate these have been off lots of times nearly going to give up as i have been trying this now since 5pm plus all the time the days before.

tried coping every way mm state on the internet. gutted.

load of crap

It sounds like there's a compatibility problem that may be overcome through the settings. I'm no IT expert in any sense so I can't help Stu. Hopefully someone will come along with an easy fix.

Is your recycle bin empty BTW? My last problem was a sync issue caused by a full recycle bin. Worth a try...
Tablets usually require APPS to run software. I don't have a tablet but, from what I've seen/heard of them you can't just copy software from a PC without the correct APP. The Memory Map website does say APPS for iPad and Android are available separately. Apologies if you already know this.
Could you email to program to yourself ? its probably to big but you could put it in a zip file , open email on the other device and download it from there .
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If you fancy a drive down to bridgy this weekend I'll give it a go with you - I have android and apple tablets we can try out.

I'm not technically competent in any way, but muddle my way through.

And you could bring those roof brackets for me to photograph myself.... :)

hey stu are you still struggling?

i have spent any hours in memory map :(
Only just noticed your post pete. Sorry
Yes i have given it a rest for a bit. I have got the maps to trasfer over after finding some distructions. You can see a file that has a amount of data in it but when you try to open it the message you get is that there is no program to run it even though i have the app on the tablet.

I have tried nameing the file as they say but still no hope.

Any suggestions would be great.

Are you using and Andriod / Apple / Windows / other tablet?