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Alaska Off Road Warriors


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
Anyone spotted this one late evening on the History channel? Some interesting vehicles and more interesting haircuts... but if someone wants to let me drive Alaska with a chance of $100,000 first prize, I'm in!!!
Watched it the other night. Has an interesting premise, sort of an off-road cannonball run. But like most things unfortunately it watched like scripted pretend 'dramatic scenarios'.

The 55 looks interesting, and the two 4Runners seem well capable. But the driving seems downright reckless in some cases, and not the best ad for off road driving I've ever seen
Bob, I think I was more traumatised by the mullets. But, agree, pleasantly surprised by the 4Runners...
It all started with great promise but as usual I felt stuff was staged, it was noted on another forum I'm on that the Defender started out on leaf springs, suddenly became coils on the rear and then reverted to leaf springs again so all a bit contrived which is disappointing.

Just film the high and lows as it happens, would be much more appealing.
Yes, it's srange how "reality" programmes always seem to be so obviously "staged".

(needs a British director methinks :whistle:)
Agreed on the staging - though I hadn't noticed the Landy changing between leaves and springs... random!

As you say, if you could organise something like this and just film it "honestly" I think you could put together a better show...
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It's following the typical current American format. Dramatic music, peril, will they get through this bit????? An argument for good measure, ahhhh, everything works out in the end!! Oh, and interview sections where they comment on it themselves.

I watched a thing like this that was not staged or scripted, it was much better, what was it again.... Oh... The Dakar
I didn't see this but virtually all programmes like this are 'enhanced' to make it (in the directors eyes, more realistic? :icon-rolleyes:) or entertaining, anyone with an ounce of sense can often predict the train of events.
Just cast your minds back to the Top Gear escapades, or did you think they were real? For instance when Jeremy turned up with that roadkill cow on his roof he had supposedly found at the roadside how did he get it up there? :think:
Funny you should say that Chas because i was just thinking Top Gear is the most popular motor show in the world perhaps because it credits its viewers with enough intelligence to know that much of it is staged . An American show would have a deadly serious voiceover stating - meanwhile Jeremy has found an evening meal and managed to convince a group of Herculean locals to help him load it :icon-rolleyes:

BBC2's The worlds most dangerous roads is probably a fair contrast to the staged reality shows but i imagine it gets much lower viewing as it will only appeal to those who have a genuine interest in such things .
gave up after about 10 minutes, what a bunch of nobbers!

liked the 55 though, and the guy that owned it seemed ok, same with the jeep, but honestly, what a load of shite