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BBC outside the box.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
What a wonderful change today. The "local" news turned out to be London news although I live near Birmingham. How considerate to change the menu. Very interesting to see problems on the Underground and a London weather forecast. The other day we had London news taking up half the slot suddenly being replaced by Midlands news, both midstream. I expect LIZ Truss is behind it all.
We know we can Trusst her.
Interesting, because the other night on tv, she was introduced as Miss Truss, now what does that sound like ?
A government that didn't have a mandate to "crash" the economy is now leading it's way to "get" another new leader in 7 days time! So is it going to be another economy buster? (the third PM in 2 months!).

Well things aren't very good are they?
A coalition war cabinet is needed or all and any policy will fail .

Not surprisingly after 40 years tied to apron strings we have nobody with the charisma to lead .

The largest country in the world went to war , the world is at war . The crisis is global .

Garden party politics don't matter a damn when every fail is a united own goal .

Any muppet in politics who can't see that should be tied in a sack and thrown in the sea .
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A coalition war cabinet is needed or all and any policy will fail .

The tory party cannot even agree with itself, so any idea of a wider coalition is unlikely

After 12 years in power this lot are now so accident prone, everything they do is a disaster.

They're all busy concentrating on one up'ing eachother for their own ends, they dont care about whats best for our country.

So a handful of tory party members get to decide our fate again, after Lizzy has just put up everyones mortgage by 500 quid a month? Total and absolute disgrace.

General election now
Totally agree, only democratic way, but I'm thinking there no other alternatives we can trust.
This lot we have are the same party voting for the same party, - AGAIN.
Some democracy we have ??
I was thinking yesterday that my son has seen 4 Prime Ministers, 4 Chancellors, 1 Queen, 1 King, and a lettuce, in his life time.

He's 10 months old.
The cards are dealt , it doesn't matter now who holds them or how many times they shuffle them , the cards remain the same .

A war cabinet is formed because petty personal political grievance cannot hinder military efficiency in a time of war .

How do we finance it is always the first question asked .
The government of any party knows how to finance anything, and the answer is easy - US !
+ 1.
I have always been of the opinion, that none of them (any party) have any qualifications for their given jobs,
Given, being the operative word for their jobs.
None are worthy OR qualified, borne out by the amount of times they are switched around and throw their hats in the ring on a whim for Premiership.
A nice little earner in itself, to take on the job then turn it in, with £££ payment, before returning to their former positions sitting it out in the back row keeping quiet.
Unlike us plebs, resigning, doesn't mean they are out of a job/income.
Exactly. One day transport secretary next day home secretary. These guys must be brilliant - very quick learners, that's all I can say... :)

TM.... You mean you didn't get £115k expenses every year for the rest of your life, for your last 40 day job?

I suspect it's not about to improve any time soon either!!!
They are quick learners Karl, - at lying, cheating and thieving from the country and those who don't have the income they do, and are struggling in these times or not.
Also, don't forget, apart from that 115k expenses or 'severance' pay is it ? (even though they jacked it in), every year for the rest of their lives, they are still employed and drawing a salary for that 'lowlier' position they revert to.
No wonder there are plenty of takers for the job, just not the average, sensible, qualified joe public, although quite what that qualification would be, I don't know any more than our governments, - I am not one of their pals.
Oh, and voting themselves min 10k p.a. in rises as it suits them, and trying to make themselves look good by expenses of just under the allowances made by guess who - themselves.

Expenses ? I had to account for every penny of everything spent, with receipts - no receipt - no money, and all had to be genuinely justifiable. Any justifiable doubt and no payment, even with
receipt. The office/admin person who signed off/paid out was accountable for payments.
Although we blame MP's for fiddled expenses (quite right) no blame is attached to those who pay out without receipts/question - we dont even know who they are !
Shayne, spot on, the cards are always the same, sometimes not much different when there is a General Election and the criminals change.
Sorry to all about any diversions here, it must be catching, haha.
Viggers probably put a toll on it and used the wrong wallpaper, thats what upset the ducks !

I dont think Fishy had one for his mrs stables heating, it was the usual Monopoly get out of jail free card. Alledgedly he is sleeping there while currently waiting to be invited back to the fold.

I'm sure those that cannot afford heating and food are gratified to know the horses are snug and getting their oats !

Odd, how a lot of them quit when caught out, and that's the end of it, no Stasi action and no repayments. And there are others that blatantly refuse to pay up when caught and ordered to, and don't quit. Same result there, no action !

No end to it, is there ?