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Help with a hex bolt!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
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Folks need help, I have removed the corners/edges on this bolt and I can't get any grip.
Any advice on how to remove it??

I used a 1mm blade grinder to cut a impact screwdriver slot in it , or you could tack weld a nut to it .
1) Hit it with a BFH to see if that frees the threads up at all, if not then, option 2 or 3.
2) Hit a 12 point socket over the top of it, and hope that it bites it.
3) Knock a Torx bit into it and hope it bites into the remnants enough

Thanks guys, not sure I have 1mm grinder blade but might order 1.
Might give it a go with the hammer
Actually because its not sitting flush stilsons should remove it no bother at all .

Screwfix sell stainless hex bolts about that size ?
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Can you grip it with some vice grips?
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Get a tropical bit that is slightly bigger and hit into the hex bolt. cuts it's own way in.

Good luck
Errrm, hacksaw anyone?
A weird one, put a thick elastic band in there, then the correct size hex then put loads of pressure in towards the bolt when you turn it (really lean into it), the rubber causes greater friction that can grab the bolt.

Works amazingly with a threaded screw, and has been known to work with a rounded hex bolt.

Good luck
Thanks folks, got it out, few hits with a hammer then got the vice grips onto it, lots of ideas I will use in the future, now to finish the install of the Front runner table under the Patriot roof rack.
Some good answers here. From agricultural to scientific. I would have said to knock a torch or spline bit into the hole and use that. Love the rubber band one. I'll try and remember that for when I next get a rounded off hole.

One other I have used is electricians wire cutters with one jaw in the hole and the other on the outside. Even across the whole bolt head if it's a small one.

Glad you got it out. They can sometimes be a right PITA.
There's a multitude of ways of extracting a rounded bolt, the killer being access, or lack of it. When they're as accessible as that it's a whole lot easier!
Finished the Frontrunner table install under the Patriot rack, got another bolt stuck, really not the sharpest tool in the box!!!
Anyway finally got it sorted!!