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Recommend mechanic in Portugal


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2015

I'm little concerned by the creaking noises coming from the suspension. I would like someone to have a look at it. I'm just seeing if on the of chance, if anyone here can recommend a garage or mechanic in Portugal?

toolsplus is a member here and living in Portugal i think he only visits the forum periodically though .
The leaf springs on Hilux can get dry and creak or squeak a bit
worth checking front coils have not broken or snapped too
Thanks Shayne and Andy.

I'll have another look, I can't see anthing out of place. Is it something I should get checked ASAP?

Funny enough my suspension is was creaking think it down to lack of use and have noticed just lately with restrictions easing and more use its not so noisy its only noticeable at slow speed and maneuvering hope you find that it's easily cured
If you contact [phone number on their website] they speak English and specialise in old LCs and other 4x4s but they will know someone.
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Whereabouts are you in Portugal - I found a good mechanic in Braganca.
In the south...try Autosemlimites. Based in Faro. They are on the Metaverse.