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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Country Flag
After a long absence due to various issues my account should now be active (Thanks Crispin), anyone wish to reply to this post just to confirm all is working please?


Who said that ..................... its a ghost :scared-eek:

Welcome back Dave :handgestures-thumb:
Thanks Rodger for asking Crispin to sort keeping in mind he did it today on a bank holiday weekend, impressed.

Hi Shane oh and boo! I trust you are well?

Way back when there were some changes made to the forum it seemed to mess up my account, despite various efforts between myself and Crispin it became frustrating to use the site and I tailed off, in fact there was so much going on I just stayed over on 'MUD', and I dropped around four or five other forums. From around June I started to get headaches, nothing serious and Paracetamol kept them at bay, it was only when I went to the doctors when I started pissing blood (a simple urine infection), I mentioned the headaches. Two days later after an MRI I was admitted to hospital with a brain tumour. Three weeks later with a scar running running from above my right eye over my head and down to my left ear I came back out. Recovery has been a slow process, apart from the affect it had on my motor skills, voice and other problems, I could not watch TV for long or read a book, I would forget what I was watching and what I was reading about after the second or third paragraph! Living alone in Spain meant relying on friends, neighbours and even clients who came to help for which I am very grateful but despite some setbacks I am on the road to recovery. I am still waiting to get my driving licence back fingers crossed for the 13th of January to see if I can pass certain cognitive and reaction tests.

So a very long story but on the mend

Thanks for the replies guys, all seems to be working on the site now at this end.


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Glad to hear your on the Mend, A steady slow process, Glad your back... .... Take Care
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Something I would like to add (with considerable embarrassment), the Spanish health system here makes the NHS look like it belongs in a third world country. To say I was taken care of is an understatement and yes being self employed here is expensive but the results are there to see, well I am here put it that way.


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:confusion-shrug: I'm from the Isle of Man which makes the UK NHS seem like Star Trek , More than once i've been asked while discussing my medical history with real surgeons if i'm over 100 years old .
welcome back dave, all the best with the recovery.

you can always read through the FSM to brush up on your motor skills..

Thanks for that although I cannot remember your name....perhaps Mike? :think:

I seem to recall 'stuff' from a long while ago but cannot remember much from yesterday, I have checked with clients good enough to wait for servicing that the neurologist said I will be fine to work on cars but the brakes and steering bit of brain had to be cut out with the tumour! :doh:


Welcome back Dave, wondered what happened to you. Glad to hear you are on the mend, hopefully you make a full recovery
Well my cognitive and physical tests on the 13th went down like a lead balloon, so licence remains suspended for another six months. :cry:

The tumour they cut out was doing nothing for around three months in the laboratory and a couple of weeks ago it started to regrow, so it seems I have malignant cancer in the brain. They will not know if they got out all the tumour so I just need to have it monitored and a change of meds and so forth, worst of it is I feel great and apart from the occasional minor fits which affect my thinking and speech for between one to around three seconds is enough to run through a red light or run someone over on a crossing, so was pretty gutted at the news but of course you have to think of other people so I fully understand.

So to the 80, I continue to look for a speedometer, wiper motor and ariel, new window rubbers, given the time frame before I go for another set of tests to regain my licence. Of course I cannot work, so I am relying on the small amount of money I get from the sick benefit, so I will spread out the cost of these parts over time. At least I will start to get on with all those little irritating jobs that I have put aside for the last couple of years. :)

If anyone hears of an 80 being broken and there are parts such as those mentioned above that are cheap please give me a shout, I do have adverts in the classifieds/wanted area of the forums.

Many thanks


Have you tried 80 Breaker, I know he ships worldwide, Could be worth a Try...

Hi mate, yes I have, just hanging on for a moment, he understands I need to perhaps spread out the parts order, and of course if I can find one a little more in my price range remembering the EU is teaching the UK a lesson getting countries to load up the import duties for leaving the 'club', done to put off any other countries who may be considering to do the same.


What's wrong with your speedo Dave? I think I have the old clocks from my 80 series in the garage - we had an issue with the ABS warning lights and it was easier to replace the whole clock section, but the speedo was fine. Not sure if you could fix yours with it....?