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Voting Fraud


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Personally i don't believe the hype but i'm bored and wondering what if banks did the counting with a 1 dollar refundable vote . I imagine digital voting is avoided because it would be very easy to corrupt but trillions of dollars change hands on a daily basis and every one must be accounted for .
Yeah nobody trusts banks least of all me but the dodgy dealing there always goes tits up when it reaches the public domain .
trillions of dollars change hands on a daily basis and every one must be accounted for .
not sure about that one.The global banking system is awash with dodgy money.Remember during the early days of the war on terror ?there was a lot of talk about cutting off the money to the terrorists......
I'm still pondering this , everyone knows about the dodgy money but surely it relates to complex multilayer shell companies and tax havens = they would not qualify to vote , whereas an individual $1 deposit requires traceable proof of identity or transaction history . Duplicates would be digitally flagged instantly and errors could be questioned by the voters themselves with a receipt . Laws and criminal consequence are in place and its all subject to professional audit .

Most here know I'm no supporter of the digital devolution of the world so i would likely walk into a bank with a pound coin but at least i'd come away satisfied my vote had been counted .
There’s no voter fraud on any scale to be significant I reckon. In the US there’s just the unhinged paranoia of an intellectually deficient disgrace to the human race who has done more harm globally than any other current tyrannical leader
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As i said at the start my post is not about fraud really its just been a long boring weekend with nothing worth reading so i ended following the US election which at one point had me staring at a live camera feed of the actual counting , i was counting my lucky stars its not a job i will ever have to do :lol:

Idle mind thinking there has to be an easier way to do this ?

I read somewhere earlier today the Mexico President will congratulate the winner only when the winner is officially announced so i suppose inclusive to my thinking is a way to counterbalance media power which for the past few days has seemed greater than democracy itself .
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Just think, with around 150 million votes across a country the size of the US, with each of the 50 states having their own rules and regulations re: ballots, how many people would need to be in on the "conspiracy" to commit widescale (country-wide) voting fraud.

I'm sure there is probably an element of this at local level (individual counties rather than state) but overall negligible.

The US has moved a long way forward since Al Gore lost due to hanging chads. However I'm still not sure why they don't start counting absentee ballots ahead of election day.

What is far more sinister IMHO is voter intimidation and suppression - now we certainly do know that this is happening on a widescale, both overtly and covertly. As one example anyone remember the cuts made to USPS a few months ago? Thankfully many of these were reversed after legal action.

You might argue that is voting fraud commited at the very highest level.

Anyway back to your original thought re: banks - if the result doesn't seem to be the "right" one, they can always print more ballots like they did with money (i.e. quantative easing). :icon-wink:. :thumbup:
Nobody can deposit more than 1 dollar so they would have to print people ?
That last para was tongue in cheek - :thumbup:
However I'm still not sure why they don't start counting absentee ballots ahead of election day.

I think some states do - but unfortunately PA wasn't one of them. Local rules as you say...

You make some excellent points there!
Whats in it for the banks? They're not usually eager to do public service.
There is a blockchain joke in here somewhere...



Sometimes simple solutions are the best - however, there are so many intricacies in the counting process that it would be hard to automate it without fear of any interference (even compared to an automatic bank counter) and therefore the human element is still needed.

Ha ! We have a Dilbert calendar in the kitchen . . Blockchain seems to feature regularly !

Another IBM scheme to rule the world ?? "Put all your data here and you don't need to hold any of it yourself" - Yeah, Right !

killing time now reading about John Koza a computer scientist who may or may not have considerable influence .

Ha ! We have a Dilbert calendar in the kitchen . . Blockchain seems to feature regularly !

Another IBM scheme to rule the world ?? "Put all your data here and you don't need to hold any of it yourself" - Yeah, Right !


I have a Dilbert cartoon pinned above my desk at work

But work sometimes is a bit too like Dilbert....
Don't forget that the US normally uses a lot of electronic voting machines; part of the problem they've had this time is that because of postal votes, they're back to mass processing of paper ballots- and they're not really geared up for that anymore.
I have a Dilbert cartoon pinned above my desk at work

But work sometimes is a bit too like Dilbert....

and in a meeting today a colleague quietly said "Dilbert?"

And yes, the meeting at that point was Dlibert-esque