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land line monitor

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
Is there a monitor/alarm which warns you when your BT land line is cut? Thieves stole 0.6 kilometre of copper BT line on 14th July and it has not yet been replaced. The cable is in a quiet position and no doubt the new cable, installed today, will be stollen again. If an alarm were to wake me up I could go to said area to check and phone 999 on my mobile. A DIY design will do.

A bit worried.

frank rabbets said:
.... If an alarm were to wake me up I could go to said area to check and phone 999 on my mobile
A pickaxe handle would be more effective than dialing 999.... the latter would probably get a response of "we will send someone round in the morning sir" :roll:
Errr...... read the title as Land MINE monitor! :oops:

Though land mining the are where they nicked it from would work pretty well I imagine! :twisted:
The line carries a voltage which could be used to hold a NC relay. When the line-voltage disappears, the contacts would close and could be used to power something battery powered.

There is a limit to how much current (Amps) the line could supply, so the circuit would have to have a pretty high impedance, e.g. through some kind of an op-amp. Depends on what else the line-voltage has to power.

Do you really think the boys in blue give one jot about the phone lines being nicked?

They don't even care if you phone them and tell them your house has been broken into.
"We will send some one tomorrow", which might be in 2-3 days time.

Waste of time when I was broken into.

I checked the new cable yesterday. There was a poor little man on a cherry picker with a bow saw trying to lift an enormously heavy cable through 0.6 km of oak trees. This country is running on empty. This sort of job needs several men with much more heavy duty equipment. The cable is sagging so much that the local thieves must be drooling.

uHu I'm going to have a go at this alarm. I fitted the whole house with a burglar alarm and phones throughout and my own hung line up to the garages so I am good as long as I know exactly what I am doing. Can you help with a bit more info please? There are 2 wires into the house so I will splice one of these to fit the equipment and hope I still have a dialling tone.
I could switch the device off during the day ?!
The rough track where this cable is is 0.6 km long and I have hidden my DIY stingers in the hedges at each end. There is easy vehicle accesss to each end of the track so when my alarm goes off I will be over there and pull my stingers into action. They are matt black/light brown camouflage so they will defo drive over them.

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knowing this country you would get charged for damaging the theives tyres! and they would walk away with no charge for attempted theft...
Maybe just abandon "wired" technology and go wireless? Unless your mobile signal is very poor...
That's what's happening in South Africa where 1000s of kms of phone cables have been stolen.
Hi Andrew

My provider supplied me with a T Mobile dongle but it is very limited on download capacity and I reached my limit quickly. Is there any wireless technology the same cost as the usual and with the same capacity?

Hi Frank,

All well and good putting in a theft alarm of such,
But what are you going to do about it?
If the alarm go's off, are you going to go running out there?
Are you going to call the police,
Are they going to go running out there.

In Australia new housing estates have no copper. They have a base station mounted at a central location connected to the exchange, then each house has a cellular phone link to the central hub. Inside the house a normal phone is connected to the phone link. Means no wires running from every house. Makes a load of sense to me.
can you not get a fibre optic cable out there? It's worthless to thieves!