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120 Design fault!


Staff member
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
Well, not really :twisted:

When going through a deep puddle of water with some speed, once out the water, stop, walk back to the water and fetch your number plate :oops:
Both Tony and myself lost front plates today at Salisbury Plain. Wonder if I can jump on the recall band wagon ;)
This has really pissed me off. I mean can they not design things properly any more. I think a strong worded letter to Mr T is in order ;)
Oh and another thing... I have to now clean the bloody thing, I mean, the least Mr T could have done, is spend some of that R&D time and money sorting out the self cleaning system :twisted:
I take it Crispin didn't need to resort to the tow-rope just to get off the verge this time?

:twisted: :lol:
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I'll let Crispin tell the truth on that one :D

But back on topic... I even have photographic evidence of the failure:

I'm sure there are some ambulance chasers in the states who will take up the case willingly - ably supported by 100s of corporate lawyers from the US auto industry (or should the be USed to be an auto industry). :D
I'm inclined to agree with Andrew, it must be a toyota wide issue - this is after the first time I took this motor through the ford at Corwen:


After losing it on the Strata Florida last October I fitted the new one to the roofrack... well, desperate times n all
Maybe Toyota should specify a maximum wading speed as well as depth? :mrgreen:
Jon Wildsmith said:
Maybe Toyota should specify a maximum wading speed as well as depth? :mrgreen:

I suspect that might be the problem. Hit the water pretty hard :D

Going to try double sided tape ("Impossible" to remove).
Might add a small length of bath-plug chain to it as well :lol: :lol:
Any potential for damage to radiator fins or fan with sudden impact with something more viscous than air?
I guess the rad would take a knock but hold it's own. I would expect the fan to snap a blade first though if it suddenly smacked a whack of water.
If it survived on saturday i think it will be ok :cool: