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Renewal time - what a farce


Staff member
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
So it's renewal time for me for the wife's Juke and my blue thing. We're currently paying £528 with me using mine for social only. Changes for renewal are me using mine for commuting into central London and me with a SP30.

The call goes like this:
Admiral: Your current policy is £528 for both cars. Oh, there's an SP30? hmmm <clickety click as he types on the keyboard>
Admiral:OK, your new policy is now £640 because of the SP30 (at this point I am hating Tony for his advice!:angry-screaming:) and the commuting.
Me: Right, that's quite a bit more. Think I'll go off and shop around. Thanks for your time.
Admiral: "Wait wait" cries the now-pathetic sounding voice. "Let's see what we can do"
Admiral: <awkward silence>
Admiral: Ok, your renewal is now £516.
Me: That's better. usual payment details then. Bye. :D

So pretty happy that it's cheaper. Off to go get another speeding fine :D
Another shocking example of corporates trying to cheat the consumer. Good result though.
I just had my renewal for house insurance through - 23% increase on last year's premium. As a long time customer - and having gone through the yearly palaver of ringing to beat them up/keep them honest etc I did the same this time. Same usual excuses....floods, increased claims in your area blah blah blah. I've already done my homework and return with ABI said average increase of 2% etc etc......anyway not budging this year, went around the first guy, then onto a special sales bloke.....price went up WFT! So I said I wouldn't renew and went online to moneysupermarket......43 companies could beat the Halifax quote. Among them Halifax who I went with again, did online application and saved £200......muppets. They really don't care about existing customers and take us all for mugs....Just did the same with NFU who as a mutual show know better....15% reduction and better cover
£200! That's quite a nice saving. My wife had the same with our house insurance, although not quite £200 but close.

I get that they want to make money - it's the world we live in. I find it odd that the longer you stay with them the more it costs you. With insurance, it's all about retaining the customer to protect against any loss...isn't it?

I guess, from their point of view, the consumer has so many ways to short-change them (money super market, compare the market etc) that they have to squeeze the mugs who renew blindly in the hopes of making a quick buck...

Much like wiping your backside after reading the paper, phone around for better prices is something we'll just have to do each year...

I've got a gripe on with my bank too (HSBC). Having a chat with the lady who I deal with and she mentions that they have some new mortgage rates out. I go through the rigmarole, end up saving around £150 a month on the repayments but had to pay a £500 fee for it. This was in December.
Today, having another chat about something else and there is yet another rate which is even better - 0.5% lower than the one I got in December. It'll save me another £80 a month but there is another £500 fee for that. Erks me that I was just sold one in December!