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Window Film


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
One day there was a strange tiny bubble in the window film from nowhere. Tiny. We agreed not to poke it and instead pretended we couldn't see it. A few days later it was bigger. She poked it. We held our breath. Nothing happened. A week or so later ...


We've left it for some time now and it doesn't seem to be repairing itself, in spite of her occassionally poking it ... so I've decided to get involved.

Got myself some actual trim removal plastic poky sticks for the first time. Fiver! Until now I've always used cash cards, biros, broken finger nails or screwdrivers. I thought I'd give not damaging the trim a go at least once. - [Leaving Land Cruiser Club] Thought they would be awful cheap Chineseum rubbish at the price but they actually look and feel very sturdy in the real. Possibly radioactive, but sturdy.

So, before I go in, any advice on film, prep, trim removal or application etc? Don't worry about insulting me, there are no bounds to my abilities to mess up the obviously simple. :thumbup:

Not done this before ...

Toyota say they want £233.16 + VAT for new glass - but that seems a bit of an extreme solution to me. What they can't say, is whether or not the factory tint is in the glass or applied as film. Only that "the vehicle left the factory with green tinted glass". Green? hmmmmm. Looks grey to me.

I'm guessing someone will know the likely answer to that?
2003 LC4 in Decuma Grey - Factory glass tint or factory film? Does the new glass maybe come with film? Toyota can't answer that either :icon-rolleyes:. I'm guessing the film was aftermarket (or dealer added).
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What a strange one with Toyota, but not completely unexpected with a non answer (like this, lol)
I would say any tint/film has been done after, - if factory, glass itself would be tinted.
All the 120's as far as I know had clear glass, which is what you have under the film.
Warming with a hair dryer will assist removing it, then you have to clean any residue off glass.
A problem I can see is matching the new tint with other windows now.
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Yeah it was the tint match I was most concerned with. In reality though, I only have to match the front two. Doesn't matter if the rear are different in my mind - I think they probably are darker anyway.

The more I read the more likely it sounds that the 120 factory glass is tinted slightly green (at least the earlier ones). The film on mine (some kind of smoke grey) is probably hiding it. I suppose we'll know when I strip the old stuff off.

It looks easy enough to get the glass out, so I can at least take that somewhere comfortable if/when I have a go at putting new stuff on ... although I'm seeing some people saying it's maybe not worth the hassle (and very tricky to get a pro quality finish). Maybe I should roll the dice and see about getting both front ones done properly - or at least get a price and see if I choke.
It's easier to apply the film with glass out on a flat surface, although experts/anyone with the skills do it in situ. You just need some soapy water (washing up liquid) a craft knife (NOT a Stanley or similar) and a squeegy.
You will have to be very careful putting it back in if taken out, as the slightest scrape will tear it.
There are loads of videos on youtube.

Good idea doing both/opposite sides to match.
Something i've got to do, the rear side windows in the boot section the dogs have ruined the film by scratching.
Looks really unsightly now, be watching this to see how you get on DIYing.
Been looking about on the toob and watching a few vids from this fella.

How to tint (Tint School - YouTube)

I'm understainging two things.

1. It really is a very simple, quick and easy job.
2. It will clearly take maaany attempts before it's simple, quick and easy.
3. Film is cheap enough - might as well get stuck in.
4. I need a squidgee.
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I did some limo tint years ago on the back doors of a van I had, after a couple of false starts I found it very easy, but as I didn't really know what I was doing then, time consuming to get it right.