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Lane help


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
Country Flag
I am going to be doing strata at the end of the month begining of july kind of time and wondered what other lanes around the area are ok to do on you own in the area only want to be out for a day dont mond a long one.

if any body wants to join we could make it a good day out?

i am thinking of either the 29th june or the weekend after that either day. i could do a day i the week as well.

any body interested?

Definitely keen to join you on trips like this at some point ... but I don't think I'll be able to make them any time soon.

Could be up for this, if the routes are generally none damaging as I need the truck for a week in the Lakes just after that.

I think I have a road map in one of the 4x4 mags that takes you on a 60 mile route that includes the Strate. I'll check and get back to you
I would be up for this and have memory map routes for most of Wales, would be better to make 2 days of it tbh
This little jount will be as easy as possible when you are out laning you cant say it will be none damaging as things can always go wrong but i do try to come home in one piece.

I might try to make it 2 days if that the case it will need to be the following dates for me 30th june (monday) till the 6th july i can do any 2 days in the week or the weekend but not after that so if your about let me know and we can make a plan.

CWC can you send me your routes please?

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I would have been up for a bit of this but the timing isn't good for me I'm afraid :(
sorry i am fixed for time which is why i will go on my own if needed.
Timings may not be great for me as I might be away, put my name down anyway. With lanes I do not know much about names, places and suitability to do on your own so can't comment.
I would like to tag along i have never been there so i could only follow where others lead .