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Spain in the Spring (2018 or 2019)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
There are various ways to travel down, depending on the time available:
Ferry to Santander/ Through France either by Motorway (tolls) or N roads.
I can give interesting routes from either Santander or the Somport Tunnel which ever is the chosen Spanish entry point to the campsite at Freila (37.556992,-2.911763 or 37-33-25.17120, 002-54-42.34680) which is just by a lake.
From the campsite at Freila we can have 2 days exploring The Badlands and the Gorafe desert. Other than vehicles in our party, during our trips to the Gorafe I have only ever seen two other vehicles and they were both Land Cruisers. Stunning scenery with some big climbs and nothing man-made visible.
Then we can move onto Tabernas via the Sierra Baza trail (which rises to 2200 metres) and if you are into Sergio Leone films we pass La Estacion La Calahorra where all the railway scenes in his Dollars trilogy and in Once Upon a Time in the West were filmed. A short section of motorway and then to the Tabernas campsite. We can do 3 days of trails around here although there is a currently closed area as they are still filming for Game of Thrones.
Dave has done all of these trails in his standard ride height 80 and so have we in our 40 - no lockers - but this does not mean that it is not challenging in parts.
As mentioned in the first posting, anytime between April and the end of May - after that it would be too hot. The campsites are basic with reasonable showers etc and there are shops nearby to both - both have pools.
Let us know if you are interested. Actual dates to be decided by the participants as we can fit in being pensioners.
The Spanish authorities do really like parties of more than 8 vehicles roaming around and assuming that Dave will be able to take the time out that leaves six places.


Would be interested but it would have to be after 6 May as contract work until then.
too late for me i am book for turkey in May and Spain in Sept, sorry to say but need one year notice for trips as the family wants hoildays as well
But have a great trip
too late for me i am book for turkey in May and Spain in Sept, sorry to say but need one year notice for trips as the family wants hoildays as well
But have a great trip

Would love to Roger but im in the same boat with all hols before november already booked.
Love the dollar series and giving the 60 some exercise too
Ah well, hopefully will also be retired in 5 years.
This could be really great. Thanks for this offer Rodger. I am interested but will need to check with the family and school dates etc.
a very kind offer, one I would like to take you up on if you were doing this again in the future.
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It's normally quite a busy time of year for me, but I am sure I would be able to join you for at least a couple of days.
My posting for this year is obviously too late for several of you but the offer applies to both this year and next (assuming I'm still compus mentus). As you will gather from Ian's post we rarely miss an opportunity to get out into the deserts.


Hi Roger

If this is Likely to happen next spring I would like to plan to join in then.

This was just to short notice.

Regards Stu
My posting for this year is obviously too late for several of you but the offer applies to both this year and next (assuming I'm still compus mentus). As you will gather from Ian's post we rarely miss an opportunity to get out into the deserts.


Hi Roger,
2019 is feasible if I can get the 60 ready during 2018. Better get my skates on
Thanks ben
We will make 2019 as well, if the trip is still on. Still holding my breath, we might still make 2018 as well!
I would be interested in 2019 got a lot on this year already

We are in for this trip will be with the family at this stage.

Sorry I haven't emailed been a bit snowed with work

might be up for 2019 but already got romania and greece in my head for 2019 but just might be good to go