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Bon Voyage to Matt Wright (Africa Above and Below)

Yeehaa!! In Mozambique and the diving is excellent and the cruiser is awesome.

Have to be brief unfortunately but we're on the final leg of our trip and all is going swimmingly well, thanks to help and messages from you guys :) As Chris said, the new injectors have made a huge difference and we're getting upwards of 7.8km's per litre fully loaded with the world's most un-aero dynamicly shaped load bod (and Gav's rack ;P)

Book me in for Lincomb please! Looking forward to seeing y'all and sharing the stories..

Chat soon
Matt and co.
Good to hear from you dude :cool: Glad all are well & the weather is fine - its cold & damp here :mrgreen:

Tell GiGi she's already booked in for Lincomb!!! :p
Clearly not bought a new laptop to update YOUR HOME PAGE then Matt. Glad your priorities are sorted out. :roll:

There'd better be some camp-fire stories for Lincomb that's all I can say. :snooty: :snooty:

Matthew, I am very disappointed young man. :naughty:

Congrats to Matt et al for reaching Cape Town :dance: :dance: :clap:
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Hi guys

Firstly, very sorry to hear about your truck Chris. I don't know what happened but will find out shortly. I did see you're rebuilding her so sure she'll look better than new soon..

We have ,made it to Cape Town and are now starting the (rather tough) challenge of looking for work, sorting out the wedding, looking for spare coins ;) and generally surviving.. You'd be surprised at how hard it is surviving in a city over the bush!

We have a laptop on the way from London which arrives on Friday so I promise we'll have the proper website, photos, stories and even a movie up soon. We'd actually finished writing the blog up to Kenya before it was nicked, just never got to upload it.

PS, there is no working internet in Africa. There are certainly internet signs, but unfortunately that just gives you a good feeling before you actually try and load the gmail home page..

Lots to tell, just not sure what everyone is interested in..

Perhaps the truck :) She's running well as can be expected. Can't really tell what condition she's in cause there's been barely any difference between her loaded and unloaded?! but overall she's driving well and getting upwards of 7.5 - 8km's per litre. Will do more maths this week when I fill up.

I took a bunch of photos which I'll post of some oil leaks where the engine meets the transmission case and some other drips but she's driving fine so far. Body work will need some attention for the rust now as there is some water coming in to the cabin but overall all good. Tires wore down quickly after the Moyale road / getting cut to pieces but they're still good for another big trip ;)

Really missed the forum banter and constant assistance from you guys so will remove finger and put up website asap!
Good luck with your truck Chris, if you need any help let me know ha ha :D :D

Congrats on getting there ok! Give my best to 'home' :)

See if you can get your Cruiser booked in at JB Motors - ask Johan to give it a good check-up for you - you won't be sorry! He is the 'Cruiser whisperer' after all.

Any panel work / paint repairs you may need - go see Hein Burnett at Burnco - highly recommended.

Both these guys are on the SA Cruiser forum, and are highly regarded!

Have fun in the Mother City! Very jealous!!
Matt Wright said:
Hi guys Lots to tell, just not sure what everyone is interested in..
Well done Matt & Co. Congratulations on completing your lengthy trip, what a fantastic acheivement! I look forward to reading all about your adventures.

Good luck in SA.

Well guess who is back in the UK? :shifty:
I just had a call from Matt and he's returned to tell us all about their trip, give presentations of all the pics etc! He's hoping to be at Lincomb to catch up with everyone there.
Andrew Prince said:
Well guess who is back in the UK? :shifty:

Man that must be such a downer.... just imagine having to go back to work after all that time off :cry: