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frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
What a prat. Lied to us about leaving EU, lied to us over Dominic Cummins, upset the French over, at least the submarine deal, didn't spot loopholes and lies regarding cladding buildings in flammable material, lied to us about Christmas parties under his own roof and let hundreds of our friends in Afghanistan have their heads cut off because he did not see the future. I think he ought to come on tely, walk up to the microphone, put his arms in the air and sing "I'm an absolute beginner". ( David Bowie; a man head and shoulders above Boris).
A paid actor and a good one at that.

Remember to all have your christmas get togethers this year ;)
Really is long past time to bin the idiot muzzles permanently, and as for going back into some form of hiding...........
This should be in the 'Jokes' forum !

I normally support a party that puts a balanced economy above spending other peoples' money - but this nonsense has to stop.

I see that during the re-decoration of the Downing St. flat, Carrie ordered gold wallpaper @£850 per roll (or something).

We need a Statesman (or Woman) to bring some gravitas back to the proceedings - But who might that be ??

I actually think Rishi would do a good job.

What Rishi the millionaire chancellor ? Hardly any incentive for him to do a good job, he's the one that is supposed to be behind a 55% raid on people's private pension pots.
The only trouble is who would be a worthy successor. As successive governments have come and gone, the lies, deceit, evasion, fiddling and robbery from the working public has got worse, mocking us and showing time and time again, they are untouchable and are only interested in their own agendas.
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Ah yes Rishi the bod who can magic billions of borrowed ££ from his ring piece tio finance the biggest scam in history on a country already nearly £2trillion in govt debt before they started this, and this the frugal conservatives? give me a break, they haven't conserved anything other than theirs and the fortunes of their friends and backers.

As for Bunter and his Junta, just like Cameron the Vanished and his chums, not a strand of honour to be found among the lot of them, but my contempt is held for the electorate who continue time after time voting for the same thing and being astonished when that's exactly what they get, lunacy being the only valid explanation, even the British electorate arn't that dumb are they?

This is not about the covid scam, it never has been, that was a convenient rebranding of the annual flu to allow those who control the world's money to bring forward their complete control scheme.
For the past 5 years or so people have been voting against stuff rather than for anybody . The media know it and will manipulate it .
They all, even Doris have good ideas. If only the would stop squabbling and disagreeing for the sake of getting power, and work together things would be so much better.

We never vote for a leader. Maybe we should all vote on the individual manifesto points of each party, as an exmple you can chose 10 from any parties list of 8 (that way you have cross party initiatives, then you vote for the leader to deliver them. We get the majority of what people want with the leader most people want too.

1st thing to address is tougher penalties for lying, stealing, cheating numbnuts.
Howmanygoes, nice suggestions, but remember your last suggestion doesn't include politicians, any rules dont apply to them.

Eaton Frank ?..hmmmm... those Eton scholars are getting worse !
Almost all of the parties have fluffed up the country so what's left the greens
Me thinks THE MONSTER RAVING LOONEY PARTY then atleast you know its going to be something special
Just read the trial begins over abuse at a children's home it took me a few hours to escape from as a kid , which got me wondering how different things might be if "without privilege" was a necessary qualification to be a politician .

Not much different i reckon , because such a party would only inherent the bankrupt without direction state of affairs we already have .

The planet has been sold many times over and nobody quite knows what to do about say 10 times more money in circulation than can actually be backed up with material assets .

Then we need a Covid plan - but what is it ? we let nature take its course and be accused of murder , or we take freedoms to provide the illusion that we are in control , which people will rebel against .

Its easy to say somebody else could do a better job of things - but who ?

Criticizing others to promote yourself is pissing into the wind when you don't actually want the job of those you criticize .

Policy should be presented as a solution rather than being punted as the lesser of two evils .
There's Daddy pig, George pig, Mammy pig, Grandpa pig, candy cat, Grandad dog, Zuzu zebra & Emily elephant.
I think that's the best cabinet we have ever had in my lifetime.