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Chrismas shopping


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2019
Country Flag
Love it that my children are at the age where they want to take the "bumpy wet roads" to the shops. The wife suggested Christmas shopping today, the children wanted to go in the truck... win win. Almost bit a bit too much off today though, new lane, deep tracks, mud and ice + minimal recovery gear, meant a few squeaky bum moments. All home safe with war paint to show off.

The only real way to Christmas shop...

A bit of a surprise for us this morning. The main roads were gritted but very little traffic meant it had minimal effect. A couple of 4x4s (hairdresser type, not LC's) couldn't make it up the 1:6 Gleadless hill. After 40+ years of working outside in all weathers, it's days like this I'm so grateful I'm retired.:icon-biggrin:


Agree TP. Nothing like laying in a warm bed at 6am on these mornings, and listening to the hum of traffic on the by pass going to work after drivers spending time out in it defrosting.
Hey Towpack someone left the door to the privvy open that means a cold seat for the next customer
i think the privvy is the path to the right that leads into the leylandii..

the shed door is still open because TP has just put his steps back from reaching that bottle of scotch from on top of the kitchen units..
Nah, we had an indoor privvy installed some years ago when I sold the LR and graduated to LC ownership:laughing-rolling:
The shed is just for a few basic garden tools and a "refreshments" store.:beer::beer::beer::thumbup:
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