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Classified or Wanted?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Country Flag
I am still looking for parts for my 80 and have had little response. I and am unsure if people are put off by these relativity small parts that need to be posted to Spain, although I have (well think I have) a good honest reputation and have been around for awhile and of course pay up front,. Having said that I wondered about the 'classified' versus 'wanted' sections of the forum? It might be me but see there are WANTED adverts in the classifieds section and then further down the list a simple WANTED section, is there a difference apart from there is not (or should not) be anything for sale in the wanted section, when the classified has both? Is it me?

Answers on a postcard.


Only suggestion Dave is to go through Mr Rigby @ 80 Breaker if your having No luck...Like i said before He Ships World Wide....Cant think of anything else Mate
He has a speedo but trying to sort finances having been out of work since September last year it is a little on the expensive side. It was the confusion between the 'Classified' and 'Wanted' section that is doing my head in?

Thanks for the reply though.


I'll go back through my garage again at the weekend Dave, just in case I still have the old speedo lurking somewhere it shouldn't be...
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@karl2000 Hi Karl, I did put an add in the 'WANTED' section but wondered why the 'CLASSIFIED' section of the forum had wanted adverts posted in it, I have always been a very logical person but presently have a little trouble understanding what may be a simple explanation?


I suppose people just post stuff everywhere mate, it probably started off logically arranged but..... !
I'd suggest that for something that you want, the wanted section is the correct place. The fact that some people don't understand where to post things such as intros in the intro section, 70 stuff in the 70 section etc is just indicative of the ability of some members! And why mods are generally quite busy every day trying to keep these pages straight. It's amazing just what we have to try and control at times. Classified was originally for things that members had for sale. It is also helpful when offering help that the requester's location is observed. It's not unusual for someone in the States or Oz, looking for a part, to be asked "Have you given XXXX a ring?, perhaps pop round and see what he has"
Members Location would be helpful, Iv asked a few times where members are, so i could possibly offer assistance If they are Local to me,..... No point offering help if they are 200 miles away....... But i respect folks privacy if they want to Hide Location/ D.O.B Name/ Hight/weight etc etc...... But two hands are better than one.. Sometimes.... :confusion-shrug:
Higgy, we did have a map thing at one point but on looking I can't find it myself. Typically the flag in the sidebar tends to give it away, but that's not always correct. It's supposed to be the country in which you live; not your nationality. But some people will post the flag of Uzbekybjan - because that's their nationality, but they live in Peckham.
Someone recently was having trouble with brakes binding /pulling to the Right etc. I did ask where about's in the UK he was.. I know a bit about Brakes and would gladly have Helped out... For all i know he might be in the Next Village... Or! Scotland.... Something to think about on members profile page, Surly it doesn't hurt to let Other members Know that you live in Sandwich/ Chesterfield.... Or even Peckham... Help could be 2 mins away, Orrrr! Not... :lol:
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I did post my 'wanted' ad in both hoping I got it right as it does flag up in classifieds 'post your wanted and for sale items here'. I also seem to recall 'Larry's rules' in the wanted section that meant the ad had to start with WANTED? We have two sections and find it a bit 'heavy going' trying to have wanted and for sale in the same section, but what about a FOR SALE heading instead of classifieds and the already present WANTED section? And then applying Larry's rule to both (sounds a bit harsh bit hey, you either something to sell or you are looking for something? Of course I have no idea who Larry is....and of course who TF is Alice?

