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Conspiracy theory coming up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Country Flag
OK, which one of the 'remainers' poisoned the Russians? Are you trying to scare the majority who want to leave the EU into accepting another referendum, the thinking being we are scared of being alone against Russia?


May herself did it, she knows what she and her croanies are doing to good old blighty and is trying to back out and keep her job and mega pension.
Artists impression of man seen leaving the scene..........
Well, don't say I didn't warn you! Discussion on Sky news this PM, as our security is going to be weakened by Brexit, and with those nasty ruskies just up the road giving out some attitude........there should be another Brexit vote!


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The UK, the most democratic dictatorship in the world.


It all seems too easy to me. When all the evidence is so obvious and so clearly points one way, does that make that evidence suspicious? Whilst this is a Russian designed chemical I will guarantee you others, including Porton Down which is just down the road from Salisbury, can also make it, because to defend against it, you first have to make it. Governments always have to have a bogey man in order to subvert their populations, look through the last 100 years of history in this country and there has rarely been a period without one. Once one is gone, a new one has to be made, through illegal and unnecessary wars or other subterfuge. Now it's the Russians.

And since when has someone accused of an act not been permitted to have their voice at the subsequent trial/investigation, what the fuck is that all about, what kind of justice is that?

The reality is, being in the EU gives us no additional protection, there is no EU army, there is no EU defence agreement or alliance. We are in NATO. Our main aid in defence comes from America, who are nothing to do with the EU. Frankly, most EU countries armies aren't up to much anyway. As we have the best military in the world, the rest of the EU countries need the British Military to help them a lot more than we need them.
Agree with most of that, but how many of the typical uk population think about it that way?

It cannot be denied that Putin is a trouble maker, quite happy to just roll over countries as he sees fit, and the ROTW let him get away with it, why....because their scared?

The UK has slowly dismantled its armed forces, because no one will mess with a nuclear capable country..........yeh right.


Agree with most of that, but how many of the typical uk population think about it that way?

It cannot be denied that Putin is a trouble maker, quite happy to just roll over countries as he sees fit, and the ROTW let him get away with it, why....because their scared?



And the US aren't and haven't?
They make putin look like a pacifist!!
That and ramming the American Dream down everyone's throats whether they want it or not, that's what caused 9-11 and everything that followed.
Yes but are the Americans a threat to us? Putin is, and will be if left to his own devices.

I note this mornings news shows a russian investigative journalist just fell from a balcony, by coincidence he was checking out a Putin friend.

Unfortunately I am not clever enough with world politics to offer a decent argument, but I do have a very good sense of premonition.


Yes but are the Americans a threat to us? Putin is, and will be if left to his own devices.

I note this mornings news shows a russian investigative journalist just fell from a balcony, by coincidence he was checking out a Putin friend.

Unfortunately I am not clever enough with world politics to offer a decent argument, but I do have a very good sense of premonition.


Depends what you mean by a threat. They’ve led us into 2 wars we didn’t need and look like they might lead us into another. They have substantially increased our threat from terrorism. They have substantially undermined our way of life and Americanisation is eroding our own culture and increased our crime and gang culture, so I would say yes, America is a threat to us.
Lynn read an article the other day online that stated that a Swiss lab had tested what poisoned the Skripals and found it wasn’t Novichok but something linked to the UK and US. Info wars stated that both Russia and the US were pulling out of Syria until the chemical weapons strike. Number four use of chemical weapons, numbers one, two and three were known to be deployed by the rebels, not Assad. There’s some interesting vids on Youtoob on what is really going on in Syria by someone who lived there. Also an interesting one on iirc Georgia from a girl and her mother that stated their own government were bombing them not Putin, who came to their aid.

We are being fed a whole heap of lies about Russia and Putin (among many other things). Is he whiter than white? No more so than we are. Reporter over balcony? Cast your minds back to Dr David Kelly.
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Lynn read an article the other day online that stated that a Swiss lab had tested what poisoned the Schripals and found it wasn’t Novichok but something linked to the UK and US.

I read that article too - it was very much part of the russian info war. In the executive summary from the swiss lab that did the investigation (link below) they confirm it was Novichok with the statement "The results of the analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people."
However, the fact remains, porton down are just as capable of manufacturing this chemical as Russia. That’s how they develop antidotes. So where the chemical was originally invented is not a good indicator for where this sample came from.
Dr Kelly was just the latest, let’s not forget Iraq and wmd, and the very dodgy goings on that went in behind the scenes when HMS Conqueror sunk the Belgrano. The British establishment has been proven to not being averse to sacrificing its own people and soldiers to further their own political position.

There is no doubt that there is also a very strong information and misinformation war being waged by our own country and America.
I am not really qualified to offer a decent argument however, NO ONE holds Putin to account. I don't see russian officials steaming into Putins lawyers offices, he is not held account for anything OOO he does.

There is Trump, being pulled to pieces and why? Because he is saying and doing what everyone else is thinking about.

And we have that sleeze ball hunt "accidently forgetting" to declare a 50% interest in an executive building enterprise worth milions, and number 10 considers the case closed.

Everyone out to feather their own nest and trampling over the poor souls like..............oops lost it there for a moment...breath Dave breath...sorry :oops: :icon-biggrin:


There ain't nothing so callous as corporate wealth , wealth beyond the scope of Governments

"united we stand against a common enemy"

who stands to lose the most financially in the current global political climate , they are names we will never know and faces we will never recognize without nationality and their religion is profit , they are above and beyond personal consequence .

If i had 100 years to investigate who is trying to instigate this war i think i would start by looking at the Volkswagen Group .
I read that article too - it was very much part of the russian info war. In the executive summary from the swiss lab that did the investigation (link below) they confirm it was Novichok with the statement "The results of the analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people."
This was the article I was referring to.
I am not really qualified to offer a decent argument however, NO ONE holds Putin to account. I don't see russian officials steaming into Putins lawyers offices, he is not held account for anything OOO he does.

There is Trump, being pulled to pieces and why? Because he is saying and doing what everyone else is thinking about.

And we have that sleeze ball hunt "accidently forgetting" to declare a 50% interest in an executive building enterprise worth milions, and number 10 considers the case closed.

Everyone out to feather their own nest and trampling over the poor souls like..............oops lost it there for a moment...breath Dave breath...sorry :oops: :icon-biggrin:



I think what you’ve identified there is that our politicians aren’t accountable and will also do what they like. Remember the resistance to their accounts being scrutinised? I remember William Hague trying to justify it by suggesting that people shouldn’t expect politicians to be honest or want them to be. An MP can claim I think a single item upto £200 on expenses without a receipt, but the tax man expects me to account for every penny! They buy a house needing renovation, claim the costs as expenses then pocket the profit! They are completely removed from reality. Our system is utterly corrupt as well.
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