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Corona virus


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
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A lot of things on eBay come from China and it's only just occurred to me but could there be any danger of infection on goods sent from China?
If you don't click on "express delivery" there's a good chance it wont get to you. The virus survives up to 9 days ouside a body :)
If you don't click on "express delivery" there's a good chance it wont get to you. The virus survives up to 9 days ouside a body :)

I think 9 days is the figure quoted for Corona Viruses, plural. COV-19 being just one of many, and as far as I know there has been no research published yet on the viability of COV-19.

If you plod through the article it shows 2 hours to 9 days depending on conditions. But does note it may survive longer below 4C.
Its so true Frank, folk in london are going crazy with all this panic buying - Salisburys is having a field day!

Would not worry, most virus's cant stand more than a few hours off a host.
Everything I’ve bought that’s come from China has taken more than 9 days anyway so Im not too concerned about catching it that way. I think most of us will get it at some stage and I’m not too worried for myself but I am concerned about my Mum catching it at 86.
The outbreak is also hammering the stock market so does this mean fuel prices will come down......?
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Lot of fuss about nothing. Why don't we self isolate every winter for 2 months as flu kills thousands every year in this country?

The point is we know a lot about seasonal flu. And yes it kills a lot of people. But we understand how it spreads, and when it peaks, and tails off (seasonally). I think the scientific concern about COV-19 is that no one knows how virulent it is. We do know it seems to be 10-30 times more deadly than seasonal flu (if you catch it), although far fewer people have contracted it so far.
I'm also a bit concerned as I have to visit a hospital three times a week for dialysis and they are full of sick people! I am a martyr to the hand gel!
I'm also a bit concerned as I have to visit a hospital three times a week for dialysis and they are full of sick people! I am a martyr to the hand gel!

But remember corona viruses are encased in a lipid membrane, so soap and water is much more effective than alcohol gel if you can get to it. That said I have my gel for all the hands I have to shake, where it isn't feasible to nip off to the toilets after every interaction. I will be encouraging corporate fist bumps this week!
Lot of fuss about nothing. Why don't we self isolate every winter for 2 months as flu kills thousands every year in this country?

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Whilst I'm not running around in a panic all day, I am concerned. Mainly not for myself or my immediate family in particular but I have several elderly relatives that may become highly vulnerable if this spreads widely across the UK (which it looks like it has already).

Take Italy as an example; 133 people died from COVID-19 or related illnesses on the SAME day. That's certainly not comparable by any measure to seasonal flu. :shock: (Though Italy does have quite a high elderly demographic ~25% I believe).

As Rob has already mentioned, you can't really compare this to seasonal flu, mainly because
a) As it's new, we have no herd immunity to COVID-19, therefore highly infectious
b) Mortality rates seem to be around x 10 higher than seasonal flu
c) An effective vaccine is around 12-18 months away (minimum)

I don't see any harm in taking some precautions - i.e. washing hands more frequently, limiting contact/handshakes, avoiding crowds* and even limiting visiting elderly relatives - the latter may sound quite harsh but better safe than sorry.

*this is very hard to do, especially if you have to travel on the public transport network - I often commute on the Tube and it's a nightmare at the best of times!

Stay safe, stay well. :thumbup:
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The biggest issue with this virus is that it has an incubation term of some 2 weeks before symptoms show, during which time the carrier could have infected multiple others, and from what i read unlike the standard flu this one doesn't leave you with a resistance to it, so you have not trouble getting through the first infection only to catch it again and in an already weakened state.

Like anything breeding, we'll see the numbers infected, and dying, increase at an alarming rate.

Some middle class woman happened to say quite blase to my Mrs that it could be a good thing, kill off some of the old people (not people in the class she imagines herself to be), she went away with a flea in her ear that may take several years to diminish, my Mrs is the very last person on the planet she should have said something so crass to.

It shows what callous people are out there, when they require staff for the concentration camps no doubt that woman will be there to serve and there's lots more out there think like her.
The Black Death, also known as the Pestilence, the Great Plague or the Plague, or less commonly the Black Plague, was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351

Had it been understood then self quarantine would have been the best medicine available .

This virus is airborne so while washing your hands might improve your chances should you shake hands with an infected person who sneezed into his hand its little more than a dont panic placebo i reckon , they are buying time while the best minds all over the world are working 24/7 trying to find a vaccine .
Some friends from Romania were supposed to join me on my still planned trip in Morocco in the beginning of april. They called last night to tell me becouse they will cross Germany, when they will be back they will be quarantined for 14 days minimum.. so they will not come.
On the other hand, since it is a long way to the ferry, I was planning an overnight stop in Dijon, right at the start of the Easter Holiday, 80 % was booked a few days ago... I could barely find something just for a 1 night layover...
This is Shep.
Shep stays home.
Be like Shep.


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Doris is in hospital :scared-eek: please don't let us lose him now :pray:
Alarming news until i realized the BBC broke the story and of course lord haha would relish such an event . This made me ask myself what intensive care is in this particular case , and so i would hope it means simply no privacy .

I've been in intensive care myself a few times , woke once to catch the 2 nurses who must never leave the ward as their job is to keep a watchful eye and raise the alarm summoning doctors should an emergency arise giggling away and tearing each others tights off assuming all the patients were unconscious .

So i hope it means should he need oxygen there will be no delay in him getting it , to give it before we need it weakens our bodies fight to cure itself .


Political infighting is the last thing we need right now .

Can‘t remember which country it was, possibly India or somewhere in Asia but Police were beating curfew breakers with sticks. Well that‘s what they need to do here with human trash like this and TO HELL with the human rights lawyers.