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Croozer mad

rob rule

Feb 23, 2011
Hi All
Greetings from South Africa where we know how to use our Cruisers :evil:

I have a kitted 2007 model 76 station wagon cruiser - 1HZ now turbo'd and intercooled. approx 150 k km of which the turbo has been on since 30k km (so much for the doomsayers :twisted: )
Currently she rides on 276 BFG Muds sprung by OME all around (+400kg), protected by bullbars front and back, winch and Hi-lift in the lift/pull department ably assisted by front and back lockers.
Creature comforts include 65l water onboard, 700w inverter, ARB fridge/freezer, all powered from a second deep cycle battery.
On top there is a African Outback roofrack with their "ostrich" wing canopy plus all the usual additional fuel, lpg and the like.
We have expeditioned Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and, of course, south africa.

We are putting together expedition tours for the poor north-of-the-equator 4x4 wannabes :cry: who would love to venture into true offroad country during their vacations. More of that on my private mail.

Hi Rob

Finally a SAFFA who actually lives there. We've got a lot of them here in the UK messing up the place :lol:
Now where is that air raid shelter :?:

In their defence, they did introduce me to Biltong :thumbup:
Ecoman said:
You don't know what your missing mate :o
Much like beef jerky but tastes sooooo much better :thumbup:

They do weird sausages too that I can't remember the name of.
Tony has cooked some up before a day on Salisbury Plain and they are heaven incarnate :D
Ecky Thump said:
They do weird sausages too that I can't remember the name of.
Tony has cooked some up before a day on Salisbury Plain and they are heaven incarnate :D

Boerewors. Which translates to farmers sausage afaik. Like a curled up cumberland sausage but made with beef

Also do Droewors, (which is a dried sausage) looks like a fossilised Peperami :lol: Bit more of an aquired taste, although if you like biltong you'll probably like droewors.
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Hmm I will have to get my hands on some of that. Just had a look on the web for suppliers but there are so many. Anyone recommend one?

My local butchers does boerewors. He makes them for a saffa mate of his. Bloody fantastic sausage :thumbup:
Dont tell them :evil:
let them live in ignorance :D Wont even tell them about biltong chilli snap sticks or braai or real offroad with moer coffee......

That is so unfair mate, I need to know about chilli snap sticks, it's imperative or my education will never be complete :lol:
One of my mates (English) makes his own Biltong, no bull it's better than any of the bought stuff I've ever tried, it's flippin superb.

:lol: Better than that old South African muck. :dance:
ever ask yourself why so many "populist" chefs originate from the UK? (Gorden Ramsey, Naked olivier, Nigella et al) ((maybe 'cause the food is so bland...) :twisted: now running for cover :lol:
Brett said:
One of my mates (English) makes his own Biltong, no bull it's better than any of the bought stuff I've ever tried, it's flippin superb.

:lol: Better than that old South African muck. :dance:

Fight :violence-duel: