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Cruiser withdrawal symptoms


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
As you may (or may not) know, my 80 has been off the road now for about a month. This means I'm relegated to my BMW diesel or the Mrs's Rav4 :o

I seem to be suffering from some kind of depression from not getting my regular 'fix' from driving the LC... is there such a thing as Cruiser Withdrawal Symptoms (CWS) :think: It's getting to the point where I'm considering finding a 'dealer' where I can 'score' another LC off him to get me thought this dark period until mine is sorted :crazy:
Go take a few for a test drive? :cool:
Are there not patches available :think:
You have to be very careful that it is only Grade II CWS as if it is grade 1 you will be in a whole heap of grief.

Grade 1 could see you parting with a mahoosive stack of hard earned just to get your next fix.
At least with Grade II and a bit of will power you should be able to brave it out.
:teasing-blahyellow: :teasing-blahyellow: :teasing-blahyellow:
I've spoke to a dealer who goes by the street name of 'Rubie'.

It looks like I'm going to have to part with a Monkey for a bag of 'stuff', hopefully if I can do his stuff quick enough this will prevent the onset of Grade 1 CWS.
Bat21 said:
I've spoke to a dealer who goes by the street name of 'Rubie'.

It looks like I'm going to have to part with a Monkey for a bag of 'stuff', hopefully if I can do his stuff quick enough this will prevent the onset of Grade 1 CWS.

Hi Bat,

Sure CWS is a real symptom.

I ended geting the Red 70 series, until I go my 120 back.

Happy to say the Red 70 series is now sold, but it was needed to keep the sanity.

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Ah someone who understands, so I'm not alone :thumbup:

I have to say Graham, I was very tempted by your little 70 but, I managed to fight off the urge.
I know something that will make you feel better during this break from your LC....................finish your trip report maybe?

I've been waiting for ages now to comment :mrgreen:
24Seven said:
I know something that will make you feel better during this break from your LC....................finish your trip report maybe?

I've been waiting for ages now to comment :mrgreen:
Oh, I'd forgot about that..... added some more now, although looking at the photos again has added to the CWS :cry:
24Seven said:
I know something that will make you feel better during this break from your LC....................finish your trip report maybe?

I've been waiting for ages now to comment :mrgreen:

That's cruel :lol:
You could borrow mine as it sits on the drive when I am at work.

OHH it just needs a service :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Yup CWS is a very real symptom of a much deeper underlying depression. I've been there more times than I can remember, and yes, it is life-threatening...
I've gone through SO manywithdrawal symptoms over the last few years it doesn't bear thinking about, and nothing makes it go away until ma baby is back with me.

Hang in there, and yes, go and get a few test drives in to console yourself and placate your desperate hunger and cravings; only a temporary fix but its better than nothing! and you'll live to see another day or two.

Jon Wildsmith said:
24Seven said:
I know something that will make you feel better during this break from your LC....................finish your trip report maybe?

I've been waiting for ages now to comment :mrgreen:

That's cruel :lol:

Harsh maybe, but it got a result :lol:
A very common affliction of the Homo 4x4drivus.
Often occurs after prelonged exposure to AWD vehicle fumes, oils, diesel and engine coolant.
And then sudden withdrawal.

Manifests itself in a variety of symptoms:
Oogling other 4x4 vehicles, imagining what a lift would do for it.
Seeking out the muddy side of the road in a rear wheel drive vehicle.
Getting the wifes A-class stuck.
Buying a 90cc dirtbike and nearly breaking a leg.

You've guessed it, I had my transmission rebuilt during the holiday season.
Bat21 said:
I have to say Graham, I was very tempted by your little 70 but, I managed to fight off the urge.

Within an hour of ebay, I had good offers.
Then crashed through the 100 wztchers.
Then a silly offer of cash, and off to Hungary she is going.
An offer I couldnt refuse.

Graham said:
I ended geting the Red 70 series, until I go my 120 back.

Happy to say the Red 70 series is now sold, but it was needed to keep the sanity.


I'm really confused now, I thought you bought the 70 before you went to Morocco in the 120 :think: So when did you mislay the 120? :think: