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Help! Random grinding/squeal from somewhere...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
Jan came in today and said the truck was making weird noises and felt like it was suffering from some sort of drive line shunt. I took it for a quick run around the block and could replicate the same sort of symptoms in 2nd gear at around 2,000 rpm - rolling on and off the throttle created a little shunt, but oddly also a kind of grinding/squeal from somewhere.

Given the temperatures, I only had a quick dig around underneath. Front UJ in the front prop has a fair bit of wear, so just greased that in the first instance, checked the diffs and ensured they had enough EP in them - drove it again - no improvement.

I plan to look at it again over the weekend (weather permitting!) but any immediate ideas on potential sources? Truck is a 24v Manual with 210k on the clock - original engine, gearbox and axles, as far as I know - front CVs have been rebuilt within the last 20k miles.

Any thoughts very much appreciated - its too blasted cold to be spending all weekend on the thing!
Do the brakes feel different? may be one of your front disk calipers has come loose, gripping/grinding, then letting go
That's not a bad thought Stuart - I know the brakes are pretty well worn, I have a set of pads to go in it - not thought about looking at the callipers though...
Could well be that worn UJ. In fact I would think they all need checking but to do this properly the prop shafts need to come off. Tight spots can't be revealed with them on the car. (if there is play they can get wedged and appear OK on car).
Could be FR, guess I'll be getting frost bite over the weekend rolling around under the blasted thing.
yeah, worn uj's can be responsible for all manner of noises and vibrations..
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Squealing if rolling very slowly as in barely moving, will often be the UJ's. You may find after greasing they become loose and alsorts of weird noises start.


I’d bet on UJ, the needle rollers climb over each other if its bad, and no amount of grease will help.

Take care driving, the flying end of a prop can do some damage if it lets go completely.
Cheers Clive - TBH the Cruiser won't be going anywhere until I work out what's happening - we have a few other vehicles available, fortunately.
Wheel bearing or engine low on oil! I'm always optimistic though
Ha! No, its definitely NOT the motor, but thanks for the thought ;-)
Stone caught between disk and calliper?

Depends on the sound. UJs are like a heavy short squeak one way then the other if that makes sense. They can also get hot after being driven if they’re really bad with crossed rollers.
Yeah - to be honest the more I think about it, I'm thinking its the UJ - but its currently peeing down outside, and I'd due out for a family lunch in an hour, so probably not best to start digging about under the Cruiser right this minute. I do know it needs brakes too, so can check the discs and callipers when I change the pads. Next step would be to pull the front prop, stick in the centre diff and try driving it, see what happens I guess. At least that way I can start to rule things out. I kinda hate these kind of issues - at least when something is "broken" you know what you're dealing with.... ho hum. Guess I'll get into it this arvo weather permitting...
With the prop off the movement of a bad UJ can be felt as a notch motion as you move the joint through it's full travel, greasing is rarely successful long term.


With the prop off the movement of a bad UJ can be felt as a notch motion as you move the joint through it's full travel, greasing is rarely successful long term.



Aye - I've done many of these in the past - my comp Landrover 90 used to eat them for fun - generally you could get away with re-greasing at least temporarily - I've not had one behave like this before, but I'll be interested to see what's happening here. Will report back in due course!
Yeah - to be honest the more I think about it, I'm thinking its the UJ - but its currently peeing down outside, and I'd due out for a family lunch in an hour, so probably not best to start digging about under the Cruiser right this minute. I do know it needs brakes too, so can check the discs and callipers when I change the pads. Next step would be to pull the front prop, stick in the centre diff and try driving it, see what happens I guess. At least that way I can start to rule things out. I kinda hate these kind of issues - at least when something is "broken" you know what you're dealing with.... ho hum. Guess I'll get into it this arvo weather permitting...
Its the perfect time! Youll be late, your hands wont be washed properly and youll have dirt under your finger nails, there will also be a bollocking off the missus..
Iv only been told this mind...
yes sorry a viscous couple! Im.not sure when they were added/ removed but they can seize?
VC can be found on ABS vehicles, around 93..........ish. They do seize for sure, any attempt to pull away with full steering lock on a high traction surface, wil, have the tyres screeching, it is as if the CDL was on.

As @Dave_S is removing his front propshaft, it is a great time check he had the VC.

