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How to get around London....

Frankly they should be tracked down, shot, prosecuted and then punched quite hard.

This is a clear case for making insurance for cyclists compulsory and a further tax on anyone who is fit! Entertaining maybe, but there is a fine line between skill and luck.

Unbelievable, no wonder motorists hate cyclists, I lost count of the number of red lights they went through, in fact I don't think there was one at green.
Wrong side of the road many times, even when not necessary, nearly hitting cars and pedestrians, I was wishing to see one squashed by a bus or taxi but no such luck.
Makes no difference if you are a responsible bike rider, there is always a thick car or bus driver trying to get you, far too much hatred shown to cyclist...

Dave you obviously don't do a lot of driving in London, cyclists here are a right royal PITA, the bad aggresive ones far outnumber the law abiding ones. Just the other day I had pulled away from the lights when a suicidal cyclist shot between me and the traffic island, BUT, if I had hit him, well guess who would be blamed.
Just the other day I had pulled away from the lights when a suicidal cyclist shot between me and the traffic island, BUT, if I had hit him, well guess who would be blamed.
I had one that when I was on a motorbike at a roundabout and I was indicating to turn left. I looked in both mirrors - nothing, started my turn slightly leaned over and whoosh a cyclist went past my left side straight across - idiot - almost had to put the bike down - if I'd have run over him (and I was tempted) it would, as you said, be my fault! :icon-cry: - I have no real problem with them as long as they remember they are also road users and should live by the safe traffic rules as us

OK sorry end rant
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Idiots - broke pretty much every rule in the Highway Code...
There's nothing wrong, generally with people who own bicycles. Even those who ride them at times. I even had a friend once who had a bicycle. Well, I say a friend, he was more.... Sorry I digress.

Those people were not cyclists. They were two wheel terrorists. With no regard for anyone. If they wanted to ride like that for fun they could go off road like several do on here. But that isn't their motivation If they knocked a door mirror off, would they stop and swap addresses so that they could pay the bill? I doubt that. If the scratched your paint, ripped your coat, ran over your shoes? Not a chance. Riding like that is sodding dangerous. That's not an attack on cyclists, that's an attack on THOSE individuals. They weren't riding like that on the day as part of their work, they were having a race!!! Absolutely no excuse whatsoever. And when they come off with no helmet, guess what, they'll find someone to sue.

There are unfortunately some idiot vehicle drivers & some idiot cyclist's, but that doe's not mean all of the better ones have to be hated, A few car & bus drivers are totally oblivious to bikes, you would be amazed how many vehicles turn left across you as if you were never there in the first place, or my favourite one is someone come's up close to your back wheel at speed & then for some reason wants to let you know their horn is working. peace to all...

Dave you obviously don't do a lot of driving in London, cyclists here are a right royal PITA, the bad aggresive ones far outnumber the law abiding ones. Just the other day I had pulled away from the lights when a suicidal cyclist shot between me and the traffic island, BUT, if I had hit him, well guess who would be blamed.

In some European countries (not sure which ones, France I think) the presumption of guilt or fault is assumed to be the motorist unless proven otherwise.
In the UK it is treated as an accident and motorists can and do get away with murder.
My personal take on this is that motorists should go through periodical retraining and testing throughout their driving career.
Over the past few years I've done HGV, PCV and bluelight training with the fire brigade (which was FANTASTIC). I have to admit it's totally changed my driving style. I'm a much better driver now.
I'd love to see some of these totally oblivious drivers forced off the road due to their incompetence. Compulsory retraining and testing would remove some real idiots. I'd also like to see winter driving, emergency first aid, skid pan and motorway driving included within the driving test.

But back on thread......yeah those cyclists in the vid are dicks !

"periodical retraining and testing throughout their driving career" :thumbup: Great idea, if only compulsory training applied to cyclists too. Motorists HAVE to have training and take a test before they can drive why not cyclists too? :think:

I'm sure some responsible cyclists take it upon themselves to get some training, but I'm also sure the majority don't because it's not compulsory, I think insurance for cyclists should be compulsory too, when they are held to account for accidents they cause it may make them more careful.
Flaten the idiot on 2 wheels, so it causes a ball ache for you, but a much bigger ache for him.
Kind'a makes him and his cycle idiot mates think twice about cutting cars up.
Cyclists have got away with it for far too long, and now is the time to strike back hard.
Yeah' I think I could be delayed in hitting the brake pedal,
I don't mean driving over him, but yeah, take him down.

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Frankly they should be tracked down, shot, prosecuted and then punched quite hard.

This is a clear case for making insurance for cyclists compulsory and a further tax on anyone who is fit! Entertaining maybe, but there is a fine line between skill and luck.


Dam right! Ban 'em all
I'm sure some responsible cyclists take it upon themselves to get some training, but I'm also sure the majority don't because it's not compulsory, I think insurance for cyclists should be compulsory too, when they are held to account for accidents they cause it may make them more careful.

I remember when I was at school (a very very long time ago) when we wanted to ride our bikes to school we had to get our Cycling Proficiency test first - it wasn't too difficult but did teach basic rules of the road and about traffic etc. Maybe they could bring something like that back
It's now called Bikeability and unlike the Cycle Proficiency actually takes place on the road as well as the playground.

I am a Bikeability instructor and only last week was teaching a group of primary kids their basics.

Quite frankly I'm amazed at the anti cyclist attitude expressed on here.
Lets mo down them useless pedestrians too (infact why aren't they insured, dam them for having right of way over a vehicle) not to mention the drivers of Smart cars they should be hunted down and exterminated.
Being a keen cyclist (Trail Cycle Leader, Lands End to John O Groats(er) ) I have been on quite a few cyclist forums. There seems to be a lot of anti 4x4 brigade, anti lorry, anti car and no doubt anti pasti too, all of which have pretty entrenched views.
I personally dont understand how such narrow and restricted views exist at all.
"periodical retraining and testing throughout their driving career" :thumbup: Great idea, if only compulsory training applied to cyclists too. Motorists HAVE to have training and take a test before they can drive why not cyclists too? :think:

I'm sure some responsible cyclists take it upon themselves to get some training, but I'm also sure the majority don't because it's not compulsory, I think insurance for cyclists should be compulsory too, when they are held to account for accidents they cause it may make them more careful.

I'd agree, cyclists should have training before being allowed on the road. Not so sure about a licensing system though.
I don't think anyone is having a go at cyclists in general, just the idiots in clip and cyclists that behave like them...
Why when discussing these issues do people try and make it so black and white. As far as I can see the vast majority of the posts here are not at all anti cyclist but rather anti idiot.

Quite frankly In my opinion they can carry on doing what they are doing as long as every accident they cause is investigated without prejudice and the correct people are held to account. At the end of the day darwin will win out and idots like the one in the clip will eventually be wiped out. I have nothing against cyclists, being one myself but they must obay the same rules that motorists do. Otherwise its just not fair (Stamps feet and bangs fists).

Their cycles should be properly maintained, with working lights and reflectors, they should obay all traffic regulations and signals.

Just a quick point to think about. How many less cyclists would be injured if it was illegal for them to undertake coming up to a left hand turn at traffic lights?????

There have been time when it is literally a case for me anyway that there is nothing there 1 min and then 6 bikes all ploughing up the inside of you the next.

Like I said though not so much anti cyclists more anti idiot. In the same way that I am not anti 4x4/green lane. But I am very much anti-the effing stupid idiots that go off route or up Snowdon.


My tuppence

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Well put Chris. Is it legal for cyclists to undertake? I'd have thought not. Even if it is legal, when this happens, I wonder at the double standard that it is ok for a cyclists to squeeze past a car but not the other way round ... I give cyclists a wide berth by the way.