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Its beginning to bite !!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
Country Flag
Just been on an early morning trucking run down the M1, virtually deserted, pretty much like the covid lockdown. Just started to get a little busier as I got back Sheffield way but no where near normal for Sunday. With these fuel prices and higher predicted people are thinking twice about that journey.
I bought kerosene for heating last week, was quoted 64p/l monday, managed to get an order in Wed for 69p now quoting 90+p for next week. Where's it going to end?
Until the overstock of unsold new cars is gone , that's my guess . Swapping 25mpg for 50mpg will look good to the soulless market analysts .
171p a litre i saw at our local petrol station for diesel. Heating oil 110p a litre. Plus on top of this the extra on everything else. We need to strap in for some tough times
I saw £1.60 yesterday for Diesel while on a run out to Rye in Sussex... And i thought that was Bad, But £1.71.... That's not good, Could we be seeing £2.00 a litre for Diesel soon, Hope Not.... But lord knows what's round the corner these days... Think il be using the Bike a lot more this year...
£1.47 a litre today here, Hilux was nearly on empty so brimmed it just in case it goes up overnight - nearly £100 for a tank of diesel... guess I should also check how much is in the Cruiser.

Like Higgy, I think I might be using my MT a bit more this summer...
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I think World markets and Trade price Fluctuation are controlled by the Co-op,.... Well the One in Sandwich anyway
I'd say £2/L is a very real possibility. If the flow of oil from Russia is stopped altogether, by whoever for whatever reason, expect another massive knee jerk from the markets and that's before we even think about gas prices.
When all this started I got a quote off EON for my energy needs. 10 0' clock at night I had sorted it but was tired so I decided to login in and accept in the morning. Overnight my quote had gone up by £35 per month.

Are IKEA hot dogs wooden?
Not sure which IKEA your referring to Nick but the one in Wembley is "outside" the ULEZ.

I say outside because it's only just. There was a massive debate about at the time, where locals were annoyed that IKEA had had some special dispensation.

You have to approach it in a certain direction / route (can't recall) from the North Circular to avoid ULEZ.
It's a bendy situation all round. I have a 2009 Ford Kuga that we still have because it wasn't worth trading in against the Rav4 we bought, so I'm goin to be driving that a lot for a while.. 45mpg beats 29/30... But.. I will run the cruiser up to work at least once a week. The joy of owning a 20 year old Toyota is that you can't just leave it sitting outside in a damp climate. Driving it is the life blood.

As for prices.. I bought some 16ft 6x3 timbers on Friday from our local builders provider, and they were Double!! what I paid this time last year... Putin, if you are reading this, then go and stick a 6x3 coated in Diesel up your ar$e
Noticed on my short drive after work that the cheap Sainsbury's garage had run out of diesel and the big Tesco nearby had closed its fuel station altogether.
Two days now, Shortage of Diesel Tesco Dover...... Mmm! hear we go again
Derv getting expensive is one thing.. getting scarce is another entirely.. when do I tell my boss I can't come to work!