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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
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Apparently the abbreviation LGBTQQIA stands for. lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning (one's sexual or gender identity) intersex!
Shouldn't here be an H somewhere for heterosexual? Everybody wants to get in on the act, so why should us 'Normal' people get left out?
Sounds like you had a bad scrabble night Chas and just making it up for double letters and triple points
I'd hate to be a youngster now.... it must be a minefield .
You see a nice "girl" you start talking and find that "they or them" identify as a boy at that particular time ....20 mins later "she" is now snogging your best mate on the dance floor and you've just been asked out by a bloke..... no wonder the kids all look confused
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Had a teen come to me for fatherly advice because she was tearing herself apart over this self created issue , and so i explained - your young , intelligent , curious and horny , your normal , but why dump your long term boyfriend just try it and see , he will never know and chances are once you have breached the taboo it will no longer seem as exciting as it does now .

Next question , you have known this girl most of your life and if shes an out and open lesbian why doesn't she have a girlfriend already ? The answer to that one is what prevented it happening .
Chas Chas nobody is saying that you are not normal its just its not normal to be normal
I'd hate to be a youngster now.... it must be a minefield .
You see a nice "girl" you start talking and find that "they or them" identify as a boy at that particular time ....20 mins later "she" is now snogging your best mate on the dance floor and you've just been asked out by a bloke..... no wonder the kids all look confused

Absolutely, and, even if they haven't wheeled in several burly blokes in skirts to teach 5 year olds about diversity/inclusion/any other bollocks they could dream up, by the time they are mature enough for their own questions of sexuality to come around the poor sods have been indoctrinated for years with all the other bollocks they force feed them these days in school, they've now started on the white privelidge scam in pre school nursery from what i read.

Going back many years when it was fashionable to hate the campaigner Mary Whitehouse, i always thought she was much maligned woman, her main argument was to allow children to have the free from all this cobblers chidhood of innocence they deserve, you couldn't really argue against that.

Let the little buggers grow up being children till they're ready, and that will be in their time not when someone with an agenda decides...sod me but i'm sure when i was a kid if weirdos at some fashionable clinic started giving children medical treatments to alter their natural development the local Inspector of Constabulary would have sent a vanload of huge unamused coppers round to arrest everyone involved.
It's a bit confusing. I'd stopped at Q previously and they stuck more letters on the end since.
I get told off because i referred to the Kardashian woman who won all the medals and said he was a great athlete, I meant at the time he was male he was a great athlete. Now i understand that she's a woman and that's cool. I'm more confused by the whole "they" thing but i guess I'll catch up only for it to all change.
Now i do the they who was in Juno i think they're a fabulous thespian (See i was struggling with actor/actress)
Anyway it isn't anything new, I've been reading Stephen Fry's thing on the Greeks and it mentions they had gods for mixed sex people. Hmm Stephen Fry I don't even play that way but i reckon I'd shag him just for the after sex conversation and the vague hope he would make weird noises like General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchet.
To wage war on people who really couldn't care less is a sure way to gain acceptance :icon-rolleyes:

Mate of mine i met 30 years ago still likes to remember jokingly ducking as he walked into my favourite pub because he had heard the stories only to thank his lucky stars when a glass smashed on the wall where his head would have been . Plums often worked the bar there and was bent as a butchers hook , the nickname came from his posh accent an old guy who kept all the rough and rowdy fishermen inline by threatening to spank them :lol: