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Lincomb Autumn 2011

Sign me up. This time with proper tyres.

October? Blimey, I don't know I can hold out that long!

Excellent! Count me in please. Hopefully this time I may be able to bring my co driver as well, fingers crossed the October weather is kind, or she may have second thoughts :roll:

Now I just need to inform the boss that he wants to grant me leave for that weekend ;)

October will be here before we know it, I for one don't have a free weekend till the start of September.

Me me me me............count me in I will be there............sod work, it is so much fun at Lincome that I will not miss it even if I am still over heating..

Crispin said:
:dance: I'll be there

Good stuff, I have a receipe for Bunny Chow and I am itching to try it out. And I think that you could be a good critic for that one.

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I'll try and get some venison biltong (Yorkshire style) made if I can.

BlackWidow said:
Me me me me............count me in I will be there............sod work, it is so much fun at Lincome that I will not miss it even if I am still over heating..


Chris said:
I'll try and get some venison biltong (Yorkshire style) made if I can.


OOOOO those may have just swayed it for me..... now how to tell the Mrs :whistle:
Yes please, count me in ! :character-spongebobdance: :character-spongebobdance: :character-spongebobdance:

I'm on my way already :character-yoshi:

I need to get a larger tent that I can actually fit my feet into this time, instead of hanging them out in the rain :lol:
Well the boss has agreed that Lincomb is definitely more important than work, and has granted me the weekend off :dance: So I'll be there :thumbup: I'll be knackered, as I'll be right at the end of my three week shift pattern, but I'll be there. Adrenaline all the way :twisted:

Now I best start polishing.......I mean preparing, the 80. Blink and October will be just around the corner. :shifty:

I'm looking forward to the punch challenge already. :D
so am i looking forward to it ....... we don't have to take part in the challenges do we??
Red Oktober said:
so am i looking forward to it ....... we don't have to take part in the challenges do we??
I don't think so Carl, you can join me and get [strike:tubbet8u]pissed[/strike:tubbet8u], I mean, refreshed round the camp fire :thumbup:
i think we are coming on the saturday for one night but we need to find a b&b
Put my name on the list, the last one was a blast and I have brakes now!

Jimbo - I would leave your camping table at home this time!

Red Oktober said:
we don't have to take part in the challenges do we??
You can do as little, or as much as you like.

Don't think of it as an extreme off road challenge, the challenge is finding the punches and then deciding the best way to get your vehicles score card within punching range.

The course can be as gentle as you want to make it. The punches are hidden around the off road course in the woods and the farm, the routes in the woods vary from gentle to extreme, and you just drive what you feel confident with. Around the farm it's a nice gentle drive interspersed with tricky bits or some boggy areas, but most of the tricky bits have a bypass route, so you make your choice.

There is no pressure to do anything. I didn't have a co driver last time out, so I didn't do any of the special stages. My aim was to have a good weekend driving the 80 off road and to see how many punches I could get without damaging the car. I managed 23 out of 27
punches and I didn't even get it that dirty, I was well chuffed with my result and my weekends off roading.

The guys set up a course that was drivable, rather than a winch course :clap: (I have no winch), and that's what I enjoy a technical off road course that requires you to think about how you navigate it, and where to place your wheels.

Come along you'll love it!
As has been said above there is no pressure to do anything you are not comfortable with. Feel free to come along and potter round the woods and farm drive. The main point of the weekend is to have a good social gathering.