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Makerstudy insurance


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2013
Country Flag
Anyone heard about MakerStudy Insurance before ? They just offered me a quote substantially lower than anyone else for my renewal coming up. So much lower that I might be able to add a 'modified' 80series to my lot with only a £85 addition to my existing (last years ) Insurance spend.

Their online reviews are, to say mildly, quite distressing. Just wondering if anyone had first hand experience with them.
If they are independent reviews G.O.K then you may just have answered your question.

If it looks too good to be true…chances are it is.
Adrian Flux seems the right way to go for many. I've gone over to them for my 3 vehicles on their own multicar policy with their own breakdown cover which covers into Europe regardless of age and is comprehensive with I think home start as well (not that I'll need it).
I've been with Markerstudy before no problems but didn't need to claim

I've also been with Adrian Flux and I would not touch them with a barge pole for anything, ever again.
Marker study were the underwriters for a Adrian flux policy I had for landcrusier

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Hmm my reply didn't post. Weird. Yes MarkerStudy were underwriters on my Adrian Flux policy too
May explain the being cheaper then? cutting out the brokers fees by going direct
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Hope i can remember the name when its time for my renewal i only pay insurance because i have to and 3 years premiums have cost about double what they would pay me if i wrote my truck off tomorrow .
yeah, this was the result of a call to AF. It went something like this :
1 call AF, 'no, cant insure you, but let me pass you along to someone who can help'.
2 someone-i-didnt-get-name-for 'yeah, this isnt going to work for us, but we have a partner who will'
3 Call-Connection ? 'yes, we can get you a few quotes- stand by'.
4 pro-insurance 'absolutely can help, forwarding call'.
5 someone else 'our quote looks very high but we can refer back to someone who specialises in insurance for your area'.
6 at this point, i was losing my will to live, but thought I'd speak with the last person. Who did indeed go through things, said they can do something but since they were a Manchester specialise ( whatever that means! And I dont live in Manchester.. ), they were going to refer my details to their underwriter who will get in touch directly via email.
- hung up phone
- get quote in email ~ 15 min later from some completely different broker, with 'MakerStudy' as underwriters. Looking up the broker names, its a company owned by Makerstudy anyway.

checked my credit report a few days later, and found no less than 11 searches from insurance agencies on that day.

the important thing however is : I am actively saving towards a leisure-time LC ( the LC5 has turned into the family bus & DD )