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Maxtrax alternitives


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2015
I have a pair of Waffle boards already and I like to get a pair of Maxtrax, before I do I like to get opinions on alternatives.

Would appreciate feedback on alternatives.

I've got a pair of Maxtrax and they are good but bulky. I see more and more people carrying these soft roll up ones that take up a lot less space. Never used them so dont know how good they are, but might look into them at some point. Just some food for thought.
I’ve got some £50 maxtrax copies. Only used a couple of times but I got unstuck. Couple of lugs broken off but can’t complain for £50.

Can’t realky say if they are better or worse but in 50 000 miles I’ve only needed recovery boards of any type twice.
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Saw these going for 50 at Christmas sadly the are back up to RRP now. The blurb specifically says they shouldn't be used for bridging but rated at 3.5t should mean they should survive an 80 in normal use.
Not tried them for bridging, they are cheap so possibly not as tough as some. they nest together so you could double them up to bridge i guess.
Max trax were not designed to bridge gaps they are really for aiding wheel spin in sand snow or mud. A mixture of maxtrax and waffles would covet you.
Devon 4x4 do the Britpart ones for about £70

I was lucky to blag a pair of unused Maxtrax last week for £125. Still a lot of cash for some plastic trays. But hey.
I have 2 sets of aluminium ones from these guys.

1 set short enough to to keep inside the car. And a longer set that can be kept externally.

I only ever take on set at a time but depends on the set up. And I try to take as long as possible,.
Ive got maxtrax and they are great. Doubling them up you can bridge. I did have the britpart copies though everytime id use them in aiding recovery in mud and sand they would just snap where as ive really abused the maxtrax and i cant fault them.
Devon 4x4 do the Britpart ones for about £70

I was lucky to blag a pair of unused Maxtrax last week for £125. Still a lot of cash for some plastic trays. But hey.

thats one hellava bargain for genuine MaxTrax Chris, well done!
+1 for genuine mantrax, used very successfully many times in Egypt & Libya, locals who use steel PSP begged me to get them some, so on my next trip I took a couple of sets & despite the price they were almost fighting over them!
Try not to spin your wheels on them though as it tears the knobbles of them ( can easily be replaced with a bolt though)
Sam got a set from someone at the overland show for£130.....bargain

Sounds like you do a lot more serious off roading than I do. I'm not looking for mud tracks when traveling. Just when I did the Pyrennes last year, there were a couple of moments when all wheels were in mud, and I had nothing to help me. Luckily I got through. If I was doing lots of sand and mud, I would have no problem getting MaxTrax, But for the kinda trips I'm planning, I find it hard to justify MaxTrax at the cost.

That's my thinking why I'm looking for alternatives

exactly why i went with the britpart ones Gary, I've only ever needed them twice and never in all the trips I've done so spending 4 times as much on the maxtrax just isn't justified.
I have to thank Kingtom for those. He posted on our secret internal Cruiser web thing and in minutes they were mine. There were only 30 mins up the M1 from me so it seemed rude not to bag a bargain. Bloke who had them got stuck in his car one day when fishing. He bought them so that he never got stuck again. Given that shortly after he bought a Navarra pick up, they were never needed.