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Maybe a question that can not be answered


Well-Known Member
It's my birthday!
Dec 28, 2012
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Just thinking when we will be able to go off on trips in our trucks again, tbh I can see it being very limited this year if at all. I would be interested in others opinions
It might seem longer but it only started in China about 4 months ago and China is already trying to get back to business as usual , if they show any success at it then the race is on because nobody can afford to be left behind . It will be months not years , human nature won't accept they can go to work but the can't go for a picnic and they can't criminalize everyone .
Touring round the UK possibly towards the end of the year but I can’t really see any international overlanding/touring being allowed this year. It‘s going to take months for individual countries to get things opened up and moving internally without the added headache of policing borders and virus testing visitors etc. I’m gagging to get out on the bike, never gone this long without
a dose of 2 wheeling plus no MotoGP, no WSB, no NW200 or TT. It’s an absolute nightmare. Give me some rope.
Till there is a way out - vaccine and cure - all the efforts at the moment are focused on keeping the death rate at a manageable level. We also have, just going by the numbers at the moment, one of the worst death rates per capita on the world.

The isolation period will not go away in a hurry, but there will be small sectors that start opening up. And that will just increase, a few at a time.

I really can't see an all clear kind of situation happening soon.

By way of travel - Can't imagine doing a whole lot this calendar year. Maybe a weekend or two away locally.
I’m gagging to get out on the bike, never gone this long without
a dose of 2 wheeling

Likewise although I was a mid life crisis biker.

It still doesn't seem to stop a small minority deciding that going out for a thrash on Sunday morning is an essential activity. It's a shame as the actions of a few will prolong it for everyone, not to mention increasing the risk levels.
Just thinking when we will be able to go off on trips in our trucks again, tbh I can see it being very limited this year if at all. I would be interested in others opinions
It's not over 'till the Fat Lady (who survived COVID-19) sings, then we can all go on our trips again, then Greta can resume complaining about our trips again.
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Already more and more round here, a holes are going out on non essential trips, jostling in shops and to me, generally getting back to normal, in their world.
I was very concerned with the virus and the spread before, as most others, but now I am getting scared.
As long as people take no notice, and that is probably a small per cent, then there is more risk of spread and more increase in lockdown and deaths.
Despite all that shit from the government stating there would be penalties for those caught travelling without good reason, it has come to nothing,- no deterrents, "turn around and go back, sir/madam" please ?
Someone on here a short while ago, posted about police in another country beating people with batons, that were out on the street en masse, Maybe extreme, but would make think twice if they didnt comply.
An armed response officer, a family friend in another area, told me police in general have a pink fluffy attitude to restrictions, in other words f all. The government lied again !
I've seen so many "youths" riding around on bikes in big groups. The problem is that some parents' aren't keeping their children indoors because somehow they must be immune and unable to spread the disease. The easiest way to stop this is massive fines and I'm talking a percentage of salary fines for the parents, in regards to people being out without a good reason, it should be the same. If they refuse / can't pay well they can always volunteer/forced to work on a Covid 19 ward and see what their behaviour could cause. My mum's 75, has a heart condition and was a nurse for 40 years, we had to literally force her not to go back to work, by explaining that she is going to die if she gets it and using her grandson as blackmail basically. People don't understand the sacrifices that "key" workers are making and it's heartbreaking to see so many of them are passing away because of the lack of PPE and the public being unable to stay the f*ck at home, how hard is it to watch TV and sit on the sofa? Any, rant over I can't see things going back to semi-normal till September, then there are going to be restrictions otherwise infection rates are just going to ballon again.
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Ignoring the people still under taking non essential travel, there are lots of people still on their trips, some wanting to get home, some waiting it out. At the moment I'm aware of 3 forums members in that situation and the Overlanding Association has 100's or 1000's of members in the same boat.

Travel will start again, sooner than the doomsayers think, probably heavily restricted, but areas dependent on tourist cash can't survive months or longer without income, much like many other businesses
Likewise although I was a mid life crisis biker.

It still doesn't seem to stop a small minority deciding that going out for a thrash on Sunday morning is an essential activity. It's a shame as the actions of a few will prolong it for everyone, not to mention increasing the risk levels.

Police forces from numerous counties have made it quite clear that an outing on a motorcycle is NOT regarded as excerecise and quite right too. Some local biking groups have setup home delivery services for prescription drugs and essential small items for housebound people but I assume they have some sort of approval from the authorities. Good on them :thumbup:.
But what if the biker is a farmer or NHS worker just using a day off to fortify their own mental health ?

Morality is the governor and there is no way i can see to enforce that by law that doesn't end with a policed state which people will rebel against . Politicians are between a rock and a hard place because there are only bad options to choose from .

Blunt and direct honesty is what we need from leaders right now but who among them can hope to survive politically by giving us that .

Some local biking groups have setup home delivery services for prescription drugs and essential small items for housebound people but I assume they have some sort of approval from the authorities. Good on them :thumbup:.

There was something on the BBC on, I think, Bodmin Bikers who were doing just that

But what if the biker is a farmer or NHS worker just using a day off to fortify their own mental health ?

...or any other worker or the parents of children or anybody else for that matter in the current climate. You would have to be lucky not to be affected by what is going on at the moment.
Had a run in to work today for the last time, having finally took retirement after 42+ years. Still only 60 so I guess “officially” I’m not retired but unemployed until I start drawing the state pension in a few years. Traffic was so light, driving round the town centre was a breeze. Couldn’t help thinking if only we could get past this pandemic and the traffic would remain the same! Now roll on the end to the lockdown, I’ve got 101 things to do!
So, you are saying that in Britain you can't go for a drive in your own car? Can't see how that affects any spreading of anything (other than pollution).
So, you are saying that in Britain you can't go for a drive in your own car? Can't see how that affects any spreading of anything (other than pollution).
Yes, your right, we can't go for a drive unless it's an essential journey, I.E, bank, chemist, food, etc, etc.
So, you are saying that in Britain you can't go for a drive in your own car? Can't see how that affects any spreading of anything (other than pollution).

Yes - I believe it is to minimise the risk of having an accident / breakdown / needing fuel etc and therefore needing to interact with other people.
Exactly, and most don't tend to go for a drive, it's what they do when they get there or stop en route.