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Merry Christmas you filty animals


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2019
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Nice to get out and see more of you this year, hopefully 22 is even better and we can start to travel further afield.

As iam hosting 12 this year, I think I'd rather be round a roaring bushpig with @fbnss Wings, G&T in hand and my Bundutec to hide I away in at the end of a night's chin wagging.

What ever you get up to, I wish you and you families health and happiness for the future.

Merry Christmas
I'm glad you are still here Chris otherwise who will filter my verbal diarrhoea written ramblings rants and discourse one sided arguments dissertations arguments for and against the honing of my debating skills brain farts cerebral meltdowns musings AND anything else
To all members of this very important club
Have A Very Merry Black And White Christmas
And I don't mean Everton mints
Merry Christmas Everyone
Ho ho ho!
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Job and knock... but I'm waiting for a customer to turn up that doesn't normally get here until half ten.... I messaged them 2.5 hours ago to say I was on my way, left them till last, they still haven't left home yet.
We would normally be finished by now, this is the first year I've gone out with a full lorry on Xmas Eve, but that's more because our companies grown, still pallets pay for toys :)
Edit, he turned up at 10, home now :)
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Many great memories in 2021. Landcruiser and this club is among the best. After Lakes trip, was diagnosed with diabetes along with a rusty Liver :). Great thing - started my own health protocol without starting medication and after 3 weeks good results sugar normal. Not going into medication zone is another big thing this year. No more Mulled Wine n all those good drinks until next Christmas though. :)

Wish you all happy holidays and great year ahead.
And from here....Happy Christmas to all those who frequent this forum....may your Christmas's all go to plan , may you all stay well , let's hope 22 is a better year for us all and for this little planet we all live on...

We never know what lurks just around the corner so live each day like it's your last , love your loved one's like it's the last time you will see them , do something that scares you every day and remember we are never too old to stop learning....even from those much younger than us .....
Yes indeed a Merry Christmas to all here.
I'll echo Grimbo's message, always make the last words you speak to your loved ones kind and tell them every day, mutiple times a day how much you love and need them, you never can be certain you will see each other again.
Have a safe and happy Christmas from this side of the water. My 95 sits dormant in the yard awaiting some tie rods and a small dose of rust treatment for its sins, but will be back running the roads, lanes and fields around here in a couple of weeks. More importantly two small kids sit in front of a warm fire while the Muppets Christmas Carol plays on the tellybox.. all is well.
Merry Christmas all. Hope everyone has a great time with family and loved ones. My babies are tucked up all excited and after this evenings family taxi duties I'm just about to crack open my first beer of the night with the boss and my eldest lad James. Best of wishes to you all.