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Migrants in Germany cause more trouble

That reads more like a press release than an article in all honesty Ben; the wording used in it is very press-release esque (especially the last third) rather than anything with any journalistic rigour. Also it appears that Paul Sheehan doesn't have the best record for journalistic standards, even by the normal standards of a newspaper journalist....
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I only skimmed through the link Ben posted Ed as it immediately struck me as sensationalist . Unfortunately though i have to admit it does in a way fit with my abstract view of the world . IMO the euro is world war 3 accept this time they are using ink instead of bullets to create a world dominating superstate , they can't succeed without conquering Britain but if they can do that then the USA will tow the line . Again in my abstract view of the world UK and USA are Siamese twins joined at the hip by historical financial links that can never be severed . While the Euro quietly wages war on Britain in a polite judicious and legal manner for the past what ... 20 years ? the Muslim state has grown in size and stature and developed its own ideas of world dominance . I predict it will get much much worse before the Euro finally accept a superstate is a pointless goal if it is to be run by Muslims for Muslims anyway .

Hows that for some conversational pub drivel :lol:
Our species originated as a small group in Africa. This grew and divided and one small group of about fifty left Africa over a small trail of land to the North West. There they divided and took the whole world over wiping out the other "almost humans". We are therefore all descended from migrants and owe our existence to them.

The current migrant issue is as old as the human race and is part of the human condition. It's just a bit of a flare up and nothing that won't be coped with. We need young people in Europe.

If you want someone to blame we voted him in i.e. Tony Blair. Well I didn't as I've never voted.
Can't disagree with that Frank.

The odd bees flying around a garden are not a problem. Think how you feel when a swarm arrives, or worse still one gets agitated!
50.... a small group of 50 :icon-biggrin::icon-biggrin: next you'll be telling us St Nick is a real person.

The human species is made up of many breeds who have evolved from all over the world, plus the cone heads and Yellow people from whatever planet they were from.

In every other life form on the planet there are multiple breeds, be it cats, dogs, fish, horses, birds, insects.... the list goes on.

Again as with other species, different breeds have different abilities and traits, no one being better than the other.

Lets face facts, this latest influx of migrants isn't just the beginning, it is the beginning of the end.

Next month will see hundreds of thousands of people paying their respects for the many who lost their lives fighting for Great Britain...... they must be turning in their graves seeing how Great it is now the place has become the cesspit that it is.
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Rather than take a NIMBY view of problems, what are the solutions to millions of people displaced by conflict? I think there is an overall consensus on this forum at least that accomodating people in Europe can or is giving rise to many problems. So what is an alternative approach that helps millions of displaced Syrians, as well as countless other people from coutries to the East of Syria living in nations destabilised by American, European and Saudi policy?

I think most large problems do not have perfect solutions. We have to find the least imperfect one.

It's a side issue but one raised several times here about the EU. Lots of people in the UK don't seem to be very fond of it. But most people in the UK can't remember Europe without the EU. I watched an interview with a World War 2 veteran a few years ago. He didn't like the EU either. Didn't like the erosion of British sovereignty. But he pointed out he would put up with a lot of erosion if it meant his grand children or great grand children didn't have to watch their friends die in another European war. The EU was an American sponsored institution to stabilise Europe whose track record of not falling apart and trying to destroy and subsume each other wasn't good in the few hundred years prior to its formation. You can believe strongly that the EU is a bad thing but with any view or decision the tricky bit is to think ahead and imagine the alternatives.

Right now I think Russia are probably doing what is needed to bring stability to Syria. They seem to be attacking Assad's opponents. Some of whom are ISIL, some of whom are not. Western governments will throw their hands up and say Russia are killing those who have a legitimate right to oppose Assad. But what they really fear is a another Russian aligned state. It's a massively imperfect solution, and in the short term may only add to the refugee and migrant crisis. In the long term it may further increase tension between Europe and Russia.

The one thing I don't think will help the situation though is vilifying the people that are trying to better their lives and moving from where their homes were. That is exactly the sort of mentality that for example, UK Conservatives applaud. Even if none of them has been brave enough to say it since Norman Tebbitt. Refugees and migrants aren't a problem, they are human beings displaced by problems.

No answers. Just my 2p.
You talk a lot of sense there Rob, but I don't agree with some of it though, for instance refugees and migrants are a problem, they are using up facilities and finance that could be used for needy people in this country, I am a great believer in charity begins at home.
Plus many people in this country are afraid of the terrorists that may be among those refugees coming into this country.
Interesting conversation chaps, it's a good indication of a forums maturity when these things can be discussed civily.

I see all these problems, war, immigration, racial or religious tension, poverty etc. as symptoms. We're programed to talk about symptoms, lead by the media, both mainstream and alternative media, with social media piggybacking off that.

These symptoms don't just happen, it happens by design.

It's only a conspiracy theory if they're not actually out to maintain their hedgemony at the expense of humanity.

I said a very similar thing 20yrs ago, back then everyone let me know I was the wierdest guy in the room for saying it, when I said it 10 yrs ago I was only one of the wierdos in the room, I'm almost comfortable saying it thesedays, maybe in another 20 yrs when I say it and the wierdos are the few that mock or look away, maybe then we can start to talk about solutions, until then the symptoms will get in the way of any real hope for humanity. 20 yrs maybe too late tho.
Whether you like it or not BAT 21 your original descendants were African. That's where the species Homo Sapiens originated. I don't know what's so funny about the small group it's pretty well agreed amongst anthropologists that that is what happened. I can't comment on the word "breed" as there isn't an exact definition.
Whether you like it or not BAT 21 your original descendants were African. That's where the species Homo Sapiens originated.....
That is just one of the many theories Frank.

Some say we are all descendants of Adam and Eve :icon-biggrin:
You talk a lot of sense there Rob, but I don't agree with some of it though, for instance refugees and migrants are a problem, they are using up facilities and finance that could be used for needy people in this country, I am a great believer in charity begins at home.
Plus many people in this country are afraid of the terrorists that may be among those refugees coming into this country.

But surely Chas, that's not the fault of the migrants, isn't that the fault of the authorities dealing with them?

Charity may well begin at home, but during the years preceding the current "crisis" joe public has bitterly attacked the UK government for its social security policies through the ages with hand-outs to the "great unwashed" single parent families and the whole spectrum of personal circumstances that have qualified state benefit of one form or another. In my youth the biggest culprits were those on the dole, whatever coulour or racial, religious background or origin they were. If they were imigrants then they simply had two labels against them or three if they were the wrong colour, and so on.

What can be concluded from this? Well it seems to me that the UK (and not only) always look to deride one social "group" and blame them for all the problems of the nation. If it's not blacks, it's the Irish, if not them then its immigrants, firstly from the Polish and Hungarian refugees from WWII, followed by the Eastern bloc (after the iron curtain rusted away) and now from the middle east.

In Hitler's day it was the Jews, blacks and the gypsies, all persecuted in a similar initial "social outcast" manner which soon developed into an outright hatred punctuated with a less than human approach in order to justify rat-like mass extermination. IMO, It's a brainwash process whereby if governments or others can get the general populous to rise up against "undesirables", we do the job for them. Historically this was done by religious persecution, but in more modern times, you can take your pick.

Against much criticism (and I don't really care who puts me down for this) my main principled outlook is that historically, Britain (since the days of the empire and colonialism) has striven for freedom, the freedom to come and go as you please and the freedom to stay if you choose.

As a British passport holder, I'm privileged that I can travel almost anywhere I want to go in the world (without visa or with an easily obtainable visa), and in 90% of those places I would be able to legally earn a living and stay almost indefinitely. Compare that with older closed regimes, such as Romania or other eastern bloc countries, where their people simply could not cross the borders of neighboring countries let alone travel around the globe, and not prevented by the neighbors, but not permitted by their own governing regime.

IMO, people should be free to migrate to wherever suits them best, and its down to the governments of the host countries to maintain their law and order.

Would this thread have come about had the "immigrants" have been behaving themselves? No, possibly not. If they had been courteous, queuing politely, contributing to society, integrating, I don't see that anyone would have raised any complaints. I agree that the conduct shown on these vids and the behavior I have witnessed personally, is totally unacceptable, but I lay the blame at the feet of the authorities in the host countries for not upholding law and order.

Could go on and on :whistle:
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Agreed Clive freedom to travel is a god given right (even if i think religion is bull) . I'm not sure what Rob is seeking a solution for , Syria i assume as the migration problem is spilt milk they will be absorbed wherever they land and that's all there is to it . Typically governments will chuck them job lot like dirty laundry into a chosen area and try very hard to pretend they don't exist and its this blinkered approach that fuels the fire . In any town or city in Britain and i imagine everywhere else their are council estates which are pretty much no go areas for any self respecting person , it is not by accident the undesirables without prejudice end up living in close quarters with their peers . This denies integration so it doesn't matter if the happens to be Mormons from Kathmandu or British ex con's they will soon come to dominate the area alienating the locals .

Take 100 people regardless of their ethnic origin or background and settle them each 5 miles distant from each other and they will have no impact at all on anything because they will assimilate and integrate because the need to belong is a human trait .
For people concerned about the threat of ISIS exporting terrorism amongst refugees. Take this story from that bastion of calm, considered comment, The Express.

Well lets take their figure of Britons fighting with ISIS. They report its 1600, and "could be many thousands more"

And 4000 are coming to Europe. Split that 4000 among the EU, of which Britain has about 10% of the population. So no more than 400 of those 4000 are coming here. So we've managed to lose 1200 ISIS sympathisers and potential terrorists as a result of the conflict. Doesn't sound too much to worry about.

I like Shaynes approach to integration. Trick will be to find enough dispersed, available accomodation. But it makes a lot of sense.

The UK is an aging population. The vast majority of benefits paid are pensions, and we've recently seen those erroded by raising pensionable age. Unless we can grow our tax paying, working population that is a situation that will only get worse. We need people with the drive to make a better life for themselves to support that.

I still think we need to address the source of the refugee and migration problems because there will come a time when absorbtion becomes difficult to sustain, certainly at current rates. That's not just Syria. And it's not just in conflict regions. The global economy either needs to grow or we need a more equitable distribution of wealth. Probably both.

In my opinion, of course.
Agreed Clive freedom to travel is a god given right (even if i think religion is bull).

Not sure you need to have any particular religion to believe in a god of your choice Shayne, but I agree with you there. I can think of no justification whatsoever for being refused permission to leave your own country or to enter a different one.

But everybody blindly accepts the rules that have been established by those greedy for power and control for goodness knows how many centuries, nobody ever considers the rights and wrongs of it, heads in the sand mostly maybe, or just blind to the obvious.

Ankara last week and off to Albania next week. Funny to think that I need a visa for Turkey, when Romanians can go there on their ID card without a passport. :think:
IMO, people should be free to migrate to wherever suits them best, and its down to the governments of the host countries to maintain their law and order.....
Totally agree with that but.... when folks come to the UK they should accept that this is the UK and not try and turn it into their country of origin. Try going to a Muslim country and asking them to build a Christian church in every major city.

This country is on its knees right now, so I can not see how we can open the flood gates to limitless numbers of people demanding free money, food, accommodation etc etc.
Totally agree with that but.... when folks come to the UK they should accept that this is the UK and not try and turn it into their country of origin. Try going to a Muslim country and asking them to build a Christian church in every major city.

This country is on its knees right now, so I can not see how we can open the flood gates to limitless numbers of people demanding free money, food, accommodation etc etc.

Yep, with you there Bat, but on the matter of Christian churches in Muslim countries, it depends on the country. Qatar for example has only one major city, Doha, and to my knowledge there are at least 7 Christian churches in Doha.

On the other hand, more extreme countries like the KSA (Saudi) have none. Historically (5th century) there were enclaves of Christianity and Judaism, but they were all murdered. Funnily enough, it seems the oldest known Christian church (ruins) is in Jubail in Saudi, dating back to the 4th century.

Practicing Christianity is forbidden in Saudi, and Sharia law carries the death penalty for the crime.