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Network Timeout

Yep, couple of times over the weekend for me.
hmm, can't say I have noticed it. I have a monitoring site which warns me when the site is down or slow. They've been quite about it. When it happens and you refresh, is it ok?
i noticed it on Friday a few times - never had issues before.
Crispin said:
hmm, can't say I have noticed it. I have a monitoring site which warns me when the site is down or slow. They've been quite about it. When it happens and you refresh, is it ok?
It's has been happening since yesterday from two different PC's in two different loactions.

When I click the 'Try again' button it normally works fine.
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Just got it again:-
Network Timeout

The server at is taking too long to respond.

The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.

* Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later.
* Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection.
* Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.
* Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.
I had a problem a while back - but not since moving to Google Chrome... not sure if its related but seeing as the web has now accelerated to a usable speed I don't feel like going back to retry IE.....
How come this thread has been moved into the 'Forum FAQs' section :?

Forum FAQs - Look here for help and advise on using the forum ...
I'm not after advice, I was just interested to see if anyone else was having a problem.
cause it's some nerdy stuff about the forum...

I could try give you some advice but I suspect you already know enough ;)
I haven't had any messages but the site does seem to have slowed up in its reaction time over the past couple of days... Just generally. And a couple of times its come up as not available. As soon as refresh is hit, it comes up fine...

I just thought it was me or my pooter...
Even the time it took to submit that post was 10-15 seconds. Its usually instantaneous...

I don't think its my connection as it was doing this from work too.
Gav Peter said:
I just thought it was me or my pooter...
I don't know about the 'pooter' but this cold weather has certainly slowed me up. :lol:
been working fine here. Maybe it's busy indexing the word association threads :lol:
Hey guys, i have this great idea..... three word thread :teasing-tease:

Seriously though, i did say it could be stopped.
I doubt very much it's got anything to do with it really Paul, I'm just kidding.

I'm watching to see how many people have had a problem to get an idea if it's wide spread or not. Every now and again an ISP will get a fault somewhere on their network that affects just their customers access to certain server IP addresses for example.

FWIW I use the server a lot and have not noticed any slow down or lack of service. Doesn't mean it isn't happening of course.
Just took me 3 clicks of the send button to send a PM... kept getting the 'no response from server message' :think: