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Nowhere exotic, just Hampshire.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
Country Flag
I took my cousin who's thinking of buying a 4x4 to the 4x4 Without a Club site at Aldermaston on Sunday for his first taste of off-roading (including telling him of the dangers of buying a Land Rover :lol: and steering him towards a Cruiser :cool: ).
I think I managed to frighten him a bit though :o , and myself too :lol: .
While trying to gain access to a route up a steep and slippery incline the Cruiser slid sideways into some severe ruts and almost toppled over. I don't think it would have rolled completely because of the right hand bank, but it was a bit 'brown trouser'
The video clip is my successful second attempt, when we got to the top I turned round and went back down the same way.
The first try had been from the track that can be seen immediately to the left, the second was approaching it from straight on, but it is actually steeper than it looks in the video. The bit I slid into is just at the beginning of the clip.
I know, I know, I shouldn't have gone in at an angle :oops: but we all make mistakes.
80s can take a real beating and laugh for more, cant they chas :thumbup:
Rob said:
80s can take a real beating and laugh for more, cant they chas :thumbup:
It certainly does from me, the 'thumps' were either the rear bumper or the bash plates hitting the ground :oops: