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Paul Bowles - sad sad news


Staff member
Feb 24, 2010
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Many of you know who @Paul is and probably met him on a few occasions. Hi Partner, Jo, just posted this on Facebook.


I spoke to Jo last night and passed on our thoughts. Really is sad news.
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Very very sad news, that disease is bl**dy awful
I never met or knew Paul, but please send my best wishes
At times like this words are never enough
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Very sad and hits close to home currently too.
I Don't know Paul but best wishes to his family and friends.
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I don't know Paul but that sounds really sad news, please pass on my best regards
Sounds terrible. I don't know him, but please pass on my best wishes to his family.

As another that doesn’t know Paul, what a dreadful ordeal for him and his family.

I can only wish them strength ....
Like many, I didn't know Paul. Having looked at his Facebook profile and seeing how fit and energetic he was, I can see a man who really embraced life and maximised his time to the fullest extent, how many of us can really say that about ourselves? I've lost family and close friends to this most dreadful affliction and fervently hope his suffering is as painless as possible. Clearly a man of great taste, education and distinction to have many friends through his LandCruiser ownership.
Never knew or met Paul, looks like he led an active life.

Sadly cancer is going to be taking more and more people unless the governments step up to the mark and admit to the people what many of us already know :disappointed:
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Its strange how most people on the forum are only connected through a user name or a bit of wheeling/dealing, yet when you see a post like this is feels incredibly real. Its a pity that we are unable to communicate with Paul, but hopefully his family will share with him our appreciation for his contribution to the forum etc. Id say he would give anything to be up to his eyes in oil rather than laying in a hospice! A trying time for his friends and family no doubt. Our thoughts are with them.
Very sad news indeed.

I'm assuming this is the same "Paul" that worked in the Agri-business and had a spell in Oz? I believe Spindrift bought his 100 from Paul too.
Really does hit hard, and very closer to home . I didn't know Paul, but wish him all the best in the circumstances.
Very sad news indeed.

I'm assuming this is the same "Paul" that worked in the Agri-business and had a spell in Oz? I believe Spindrift bought his 100 from Paul too.
Yup same Paul, one of the original members on the forum
I never knew or met Paul, but like others have said this seems very close, like a distant relative almost. Please pass on our best wishes to his family. I too can only hope his passing is peaceful and pain free.
Sadly, Paul died this morning. Our sincere condolences to Jo and the rest of his family.