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Spanish attacks.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Country Flag
Again these cowardly bastards have taken innocent lives, this time Spain is the target, running a book before the statement comes out "The terrorists were known to authorities", I am going for 24 hours!

Round them up, and lock them up!


I don't know the answer to terrorism. It does seem however that violence begets violence and I don't know how we turn that spiral round the other way. At the moment all thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones in this terrible murderous act.
Violence begets violence when its on a tit for tat scale that's why nukes are the ultimate peacekeeper , you can apply the same principal to an ancient tribe of Vikings , they only had one chief because .......
I don't know the answer to terrorism. It does seem however that violence begets violence and I don't know how we turn that spiral round the other way. At the moment all thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones in this terrible murderous act.

Agreed, all thoughts with the relatives and injured. Insanity!
I just realised it was a double attack.
horrific, it's just becoming the norm That some @&£! decides to ram a crowd of people, wether it's white supremacists or ISIS or whatever the car has become a weapon. I visited Manchester I felt I had to make sure my kids walked on the inside of the pavement and I kept an ear out for revving engines. I hate that these £&@/! Have changed my behaviour.
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What on earth is there to say, that already hasn't been said, yet to say nothing implies complacency, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Sympathies to those dealing with this tragedy, and due punishment to those responsible for it.

I really dispair of a solution, it will take generations to change the will of such minority hatred.
What on earth is there to say, that already hasn't been said, yet to say nothing implies complacency, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Sympathies to those dealing with this tragedy, and due punishment to those responsible for it.

I really dispair of a solution, it will take generations to change the will of such minority hatred.
its hard to stop anyone fanatical enough to kill indiscriminately but soft support 6 sympathy for this kind of extremism could be undermined if we were to speak out against other acts of terror
It's the human condition. I've been watching the programs on Indian independence. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians were all pretty evenly mixed across the country and getting along well until partition when they turned on each other. Over 1 million died.
I've been watching the programs on Indian independence. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians were all pretty evenly mixed across the country and getting along well until partition when they turned on each other.

I've been watching those programs as well. My mother was brought up in India when her father was posted there in Jan 1921 to be part of The British Army in India, she had fond memories of growing up there (they returned in 1932).

Its a familiar story. While there is stability (i.e. under British Rule) people get on with their lives peacefully, though there was the occasional sectarian killing I believe.

But when there is disruption, as in Partition, then the old Tribal conflicts come to the fore. The British didn't push for independence and certainly didn't want to split the country along religious grounds - that came from those wanting to take over the country and run it for themselves. The troubles started before the new boundaries had been decided. If it had been done over a longer timescale with people having what . . six months notice?? . . would it have been different. Somehow I don't think so. The only difference would be that the killings would have happened under British rule instead of mainly under the new administrations and the British didn't have the manpower to Police the whole country, or the finances, following WWII, to employ others to help.

The same thing happened with Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). It used to be the "Bread Basket of Africa" under European rule but as soon as the European rulers were deposed it descended into chaos. Today it has to import most of its food and lives on Foreign Aid.

We live in unsettling times - see Trump, Kim-Jong-Un, Rodrigo Duterte and China's treatment of Hong Kong - and to a lesser extent the Immigrant/Migrant issue in Europe and the arguments over 'Brexit'. The Invasion of Iraq gave rise to "The Arab Spring", the removal of Gaddafi caused civil war in Libya, and so it goes on.

I think there will be more of this until something unexpected happens that causes people to take a fresh look at life and pull together. I'm afraid it will take something like a large meteor strike or series of major earthquakes/Tsunamis to achieve that, though.

Cue the Monty Python team with "Always look on the bright side of life" . .

It's the human condition. I've been watching the programs on Indian independence. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians were all pretty evenly mixed across the country and getting along well until partition when they turned on each other. Over 1 million died.
It's not the human condition! This,is just another lie told to us,so we accept war , hunger & other outrages that all have a interested parties behind them.The former Yugoslavia is a good example with many people who didn't know their neighbours were Muslim or Serbs until politician's whipped up hate envy & fear.
I've been watching those programs as well. My mother was brought up in India when her father was posted there in Jan 1921 to be part of The British Army in India, she had fond memories of growing up there (they returned in 1932).

Its a familiar story. While there is stability (i.e. under British Rule) people get on with their lives peacefully, though there was the occasional sectarian killing I believe.

But when there is disruption, as in Partition, then the old Tribal conflicts come to the fore. The British didn't push for independence and certainly didn't want to split the country along religious grounds - that came from those wanting to take over the country and run it for themselves. The troubles started before the new boundaries had been decided. If it had been done over a longer timescale with people having what . . six months notice?? . . would it have been different. Somehow I don't think so. The only difference would be that the killings would have happened under British rule instead of mainly under the new administrations and the British didn't have the manpower to Police the whole country, or the finances, following WWII, to employ others to help.

The same thing happened with Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). It used to be the "Bread Basket of Africa" under European rule but as soon as the European rulers were deposed it descended into chaos. Today it has to import most of its food and lives on Foreign Aid.

We live in unsettling times - see Trump, Kim-Jong-Un, Rodrigo Duterte and China's treatment of Hong Kong - and to a lesser extent the Immigrant/Migrant issue in Europe and the arguments over 'Brexit'. The Invasion of Iraq gave rise to "The Arab Spring", the removal of Gaddafi caused civil war in Libya, and so it goes on.

I think there will be more of this until something unexpected happens that causes people to take a fresh look at life and pull together. I'm afraid it will take something like a large meteor strike or series of major earthquakes/Tsunamis to achieve that, though.

Cue the Monty Python team with "Always look on the bright side of life" . .

The British Empire (the clue is in the name) didn't invade & occupy India or Zimbabwe
to bring stability but for the vast wealth that was sucked out of these countries.Vested interest lies behind nearly all conflicts & it's irrelevant to those being starved & bombed who is in charge.
The British Empire (the clue is in the name) didn't invade & occupy India or Zimbabwe
to bring stability but for the vast wealth that was sucked out of these countries.Vested interest lies behind nearly all conflicts & it's irrelevant to those being starved & bombed who is in charge.

I agree entirely. The British and other European countries who colonised African countries did not do it in the best interests of the native population. They did it for their own ends. It still goes on today with minerals and home-based skills and resources being exploited. The Nigerian cloth trade has all but been destroyed by the Chinese illegally exporting fake African cloth. The cloth enters the country due to the corrupt practices of individuals who line their own pockets. This is just one example. Oil and minerals flow out of the country with no benefit to the native people. Major world companies have bled and continue to bleed Africa dry. It is in their interests that the people live in poverty and they ensure that is the case. More wealth flows out of Africa than enters it by foreign aid so let's not kid ourselves that we are the benevolent saviours of the poor Africans.
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