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Stolen Alloy Wheels


Well-Known Member
It's my birthday!
Dec 28, 2012
Country Flag
Last night we had some one get in to our locked yard and nicked 5 alloy wheels that were at one time on off my troopy like in the pic,
also the warrior winch of our trailer
Just thought I would put it on here someone may see them for sale

Thats darn terrible news there David. We often see members and non members have stolen parts & equipment and it's truly frustration to witness. Seems alarms, CCTV and better security is the only answer sadly and that's no guarantee, even with that :crazy:
our industrial park has cctv but can not access it till Monday now
Far too much of this going on and im affraid its just going to get worse.

Sorry to hear it dave and hope you get them back. ill keep an eye out on the obvious places.

The scum want their hands chopping off. Hope the cctv will help give you some info.
Far too much of this going on and im affraid its just going to get worse.

Sorry to hear it dave and hope you get them back. ill keep an eye out on the obvious places.

The scum want their hands chopping off. Hope the cctv will help give you some info.
It will be pikeys I bet, it is a fact if i find out who has them, you will see how much damage you can do with a JCB load all
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I have a bit of an idea who the pikeys are if I can see from the cctv I will
be taking this tractor from our farm and much damage the 2 ton weight on the front can do to a few pikey caravans
Far too much of this going on and im affraid its just going to get worse.

Sorry to hear it dave and hope you get them back. ill keep an eye out on the obvious places.

The scum want their hands chopping off. Hope the cctv will help give you some info.
Sorry to hear This David.. Its rife every where.. Every time i turn up at the Marina I hold my breath till i see my Tri axle trailer.. Even tho it has 3 locks on it and blocked in by another vehicle... I always get a sense of " Its only a matter of time"...Only last week the CCTV caught 3 Lads tooled up with iron bars and Balaclavas Trying to get in everywhere... Feel for Ya Mate...
Bloody shame.

Some half hungry big dogs roaming the yard might slow ‘em down a bit...

Hope you strike lucky with the cctv...
much damage the 2 ton weight on the front can do to a few pikey caravans
I've had stuff robbed & I understand your rage & sense of injustice but I hope your threats are empty.Your suspicions are UN proven at the moment.Take a deep breath & try to imagine how many kids you might kill by smashing into a caravan with a tractor.I have Roma family & friends & they are constantly identified as criminals & blamed for anything bad that goes down where they live.Of course everyone knows they are all criminal scumbags who dont deserve the same presumption of innocence as everyone else.Please remember that
"Pikey" & "Nacker" are racist insults to Roma on the same level as "Nigger"
Having had my shogun stolen to steal a caravan with no resolution and seen and heard about much metal theft often involving serious electrical burns to the lesser intelligent member given the task of stripping transformers and the like live, I find it very difficult to feel sorry for those you speak of. When the local known family had central heating fitted, the plumber returned to do his final checks only to find access to the house blocked, including his tools and money for the job refused. Stolen and untaxed cars parked near us not them. I do find it difficult. True, there should be no presumption of guilt but there are a lot of their kind that bring disrepute by their blatant disregard for the law or other people’s property, livelihoods and lives.
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Easy to become racist even without proof. But the travelers trashed the only nice part of Smethwick which was a large park. It's all on camera as well with the police standing around while the travelers arrived with their dumping flatbeds which had false plates and drivers had "no" identity. Even with such clear proof the police decided to evict rather than lock up. So off the travelers went leaving the Council with a bill of I think £30,000. Poor locals and taxpayers.
True, there should be no presumption of guilt but there are a lot of their kind that bring disrepute by their blatant disregard for the law or other people’s property, livelihoods and lives
Identifying an entire ethnic group as delinquent is a common strategy adopted by racists & all too often echoed by many who would be deeply offended to be labeld as a racist.Any crime commited by travelers or Roma becomes a "Gypsy crime"
Given the hostility we face as 4x4 owners perhaps we should be more aware of how myths , lies & prejudice can poison public opinion.Having said that I doubt if anyone here has been refused housing or employment or has their kids bullied for owning a Landcruiser.Roma & travellers don't want sympathy or excuses made for those who commit crimes but simply justice & fairness.
Easy to become racist even without proof.
No Frank it's easy to make the mistake of echoing prejudice without realizing that racist groups constantly try to tell us that everyone in a certain group is a criminal & so are inferior & should be treated accordingly.
I'm afraid it's part of the human condition to believe that a certain group is responsible when there is trouble. One has only to look at the mess and trouble travelers cause to believe they are all the same. That's just the way our survival instincts work.
I'm afraid it's part of the human condition to believe that a certain group is responsible when there is trouble. One has only to look at the mess and trouble travelers cause to believe they are all the same. That's just the way our survival instincts work.
What defines us as humans is,one of the oldest philosophical questions but blaming those without a voice is pure politics.
One has only to look at the mess and trouble travelers cause to believe they are all the same.
The report linked uses words like claimed & alleged and is lacking any concrete evidence.Further research comes up with a,story about one particular traveller family having an injuction served against them.Fly tipping by rouge waste disposal firms & builders seems to be a problem in the UK.Perhaps privatizing & cutting waste collection wasn't such a good idea after all.
I don't think your Smethwick occurrence is the one I was referring to. Mine was shown on local telly and looked a lot more serious. Anyway one can argue about evidence all day long.