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Storm Whatserface...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
.. how's it going in the South West? Very quiet here at the mo.... still before the storm, or media over-reaction again?
After the "there's no danger" faux pas of 1987, the media don't take any chances, wether it's wind, rain, snow or whatever.
250m up in South Wales and it's very underwhelming. Probably be dragging a tree out of the living room later now I've said that :)
Mental down on the south east coast, Red Warning, Im just trying to get the roof back on the House......No Biking Today :wtf:
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We are at the highest point around Bristol and its not anywhere near 70mph that have been forcast.
Getting a bit breezy here and only twenty odd miles from Stumog wood shed has gone and before anything else decides to let go I'm off to find the nearest livestock market and buy a few pigs You know just in case
Just up because news my boat is safe didn't come in until 4am and i'm thinking it looks a nice day to go for a walk .
All quiet here last night, but wind picking up now.
Just been out to throw a few more straps over the caravan at bottom of yard.
Yeah i'm expecting to lose a shed door at the least .
Getting worse here .... I keep going out checking My Neighbours 70ft Norway Spruce doesn't Fall my Way.... Handy for the wood... But i cant be asked to build a new Summer house....
Well so far its been a pretty normal day in the Isle of Man - blowing a hoolie but otherwise mostly BAU. Even seen what I assume was a fishing boat heading out of Ramsey harbour just before lunch, so they couldn't have been too worried about the wind...

Looks like the South got it worse, just seen the news about the O2!

Hope everyone is safe and well down that way.
A white one with a blue roof , my brother , he was down checking my boat at 4am .
Glad that's over, Lost me TV aerial and power has been off all afternoon, Came back on 5 mins ago.... So all is well again
4 fence panels blown over, kids goals (plastic) blown over and neighbors shitty gazebo lost it's roof felting into my garden.

Nothing to serious where I am just north of London
2 bird feeders down and an empty wheelie bin blown over. What storm?
Lost electic supply for 1/2 an hour.. a bit of wind but next doors wheely bin did get knocked over!

So is this a false flag or just a distraction from ww3? I mean a big buildup on the media just like remembering storm erm what was it called or the benefits of brexit? Nearly forgot the alphabet! Lol :thumbup:
Must admit, as you mentioned @Towpack following the " faux pas of 1987, the media don't take any chances," so I thought it would probably be over-egged!! especially here in the East.
Although, where we are in Suffolk (top of a hill), the winds were actually pretty strong....... thankfully no damage though, apart from a cast iron garden bench (which takes two to lift!!) was blown into the pond! and gunna be a bugger to get out! OH! and no power since lunchtime.
Mind you..... woodburners and the camping kit out of the old Cruiser dun'arf come in 'andy "arry!
OK, so we're seeing on the news the damage caused and apparently 400k plus without power, especially in rural areas. There was a guy on the news 2 days ago who had lost power in storm Dudley and was moaning about the estimated timescale he'd been given to be reconnected. Can't remember exactly where he was but he was high up and remote with an overhead power supply and a water supply that required power to be pumped from somewhere. I just thought, why hasn't he got a small standby generator to at least keep the water on, his freezers running and maybe some lights on? That would be a no brainer priority for me in his situation. Decent generators aren't that expensive and rigging one up so it could be switched into the consumer unit shouldn't be difficult.