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TESCO Gee Gee Burgers

Mal Eade

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2010
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Just checked my fridge and found some Tesco burgers ''AND THERE OFF''

I Dont want to eat them just incase they give me the Trots.

Seeing as there's no burgers left on the shelves at Tesco, I've decided to try their meatballs instead.

Apparently they're the dog's danglies...
Sat here reading the label on these Tesco burgers and it turns out they're fairly low in fat, but surprisingly high in Shergar.

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Tesco, Every little helps.

I've found it tough lately working on the Tesco meat counter.......I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse.

I wrote to complain and Tesco told me to hoof it!

It seems the Tesco PR department tried to close the door on this but the horse had already been bolted.

We need a Morgan Fetlock documentary on this - "Super Sidesaddle Me"

A cow walks into a bar. Barman asks "Why the long face?"
Cow says, "Illegal ingredients coming over here stealing our jobs!!"

I had a Tesco burger for lunch. Now I've got a bit between my teeth.

Yesterday my wife was just getting into the car to go and feed our daughter's horses (six miles away).

I said "Are you off to feed the burgers??".

It didn't go down well (after I'd explained it :icon-rolleyes: ).


A few more..........

1. A woman has been taken to hospital after eating horse meat burgers. Her condition is said to be stable.
2. Is it only the mini-burgers that contain horse meat? You know, the horse d'oeuvres.
3. Are you in favour of horse meat in your burgers? Yea or Neigh?
4. A Tesco burger walks into a bar and says "Pint please". "I can't hear you" says the barman. "Sorry" replies the burger, "I'm a little bit horse".
5. Those Aldi horse burgers were nice, but I prefer My Lidl Pony
6. Scientist: "Sir, we've discovered horse meat in your burgers." Tesco boss: "Why the long face?".
7. There was an old woman who swallowed a horse, she'd been to Tesco, of course.
8. I really hope they launch a steward's inquiry into the Tesco horse meat scandal. We must find out hoof to blame.
9. Horsemeat has been found in Tesco Products but a spokesman says it's all bollocks.
10. I get all my horse meat from an independent dodgy butcher.
11. Has anyone tested Tesco's veggie burgers for uniquorn yet?
12. 29% of the meat content in Tesco's hamburgers turns out to be horse. No wonder they gave me the trots!
13. Horse meat in Tesco burgers: it's been in there a fur-a-long time!
14. Best burger recipe: mince meat, garlic powder, paprika, fresh herbs, an egg and fine diced stallions ... I mean ... scallions.
15. Two Tesco burgers please.. hold the dressage.
16. Just found some out of date burgers... and they're off!
17. I got fired from the meat factory because I got an e-mail about a delivery of horse meat and I marked it as spam.
18. Apparently there's a poll of Tesco's customers to find their opinions on horse meat ... conducted of course by Gallup.
19. So horse meat has been found in Tesco burgers. What's next? Traces of zebra in barcodes?
20. Tranquillisers: every little helps.
21. You can lead a horse to the industrial size meat grinder, but you can't sell him in Tesco.
22. Good thing about these horse puns is it's stopped all the sick Jimmy Saddle jokes.
23. Just had myself a nice burger, I was asked 'would you like anything on it Sir? ....''Yes, a fiver each way please I replied'!
24. To eat them or not to eat them....that is the equestrian!!!!!

Sorry some of the gags are well pony....
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Following the tesco horse meat scare, the Irish Co-op now think they "ve found traces of zebra in the bar codes
Yesterday my wife was just getting into the car to go and feed our daughter's horses (six miles away).

I said "Are you off to feed the burgers??".

It didn't go down well (after I'd explained it :icon-rolleyes: ).



brilliant :clap:
Tesco are giving double clubcard points on burgers and petrol starting on Monday. The deal is called Only fuel and Horses.
Apparently, when fed to the mentally ill... they become stable!

on 2nd thoughts poor taste :)))
Tesco - putting the horse IN the cart.
Latest from Tesco, a spokesman said "Our burgers are of the finest quality, all our meat has to pass several hurdles before we sell it"
I'm not that worried about finding Horse in my meals, but I hear now Findus burgers are up to 100% horsemeat, I recently had a burger with 25% of unidentifiable meat in it, I think it was a Quarter Panda.
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The whole thing baffles me it must be 20 years or more since i tasted ANY meat in a burger :icon-confused: ?
Clearly those burgers weren't up to scratch! We've all been taken for a ride!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Why do findus put so much cheese in their beef lasagne?

To Mascapone!
