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The audacity!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Country Flag
I have been having on going root canal work since February, this had culminated in no less than five appointments, Thursday I received a phone call cancelling my Friday appointment, my dentist had gone into labour earlier Thursday morning, and now had a new baby.

I'm sorry, how does this affect my Friday appointment? The bloody cheek of it!


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They don't make em like they used to my Nan had 15 kids most of them born on the kitchen table , i bet she never stopped stirring the gravy throughout because nobody ever missed a meal in her house :bow-blue:
Lol I was at the limoges airport waiting for jet setting wife to turn up and the pilot missed the turn which meant that the plane had to taxi all the way to the bottom of the runway and back ....twas a girly pilot......
Hi Dave it's Dawn here. I'm not violent but will withdraw privileges such as the tiger blanket lol

Noooooooooo.........not tiger blankie,:crying-yellow: you would not do that to me surely Dawn?

I'll be ok cos im tuff.................I'll pinch Cookies's. :lol:


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Lol I was at the limoges airport waiting for jet setting wife to turn up and the pilot missed the turn which meant that the plane had to taxi all the way to the bottom of the runway and back ....twas a girly pilot......

She was most likely looking through the window at duty free....:icon-biggrin: