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Trying to contact Julian Voelcker!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010

Does anyone have a landline type number for Julian.

He has advertised a job which my lad wants to apply for, we've tried the 0845 number, facebook message and email, but no response.

I know he's busy, but its a long way to go to pop in on the off-chance of speaking to him

Extraordinarily difficult to contact. When he wouldn't reply to my requests (email and phonecalls) to spend money with him I went to his supplier in Australia who turned out to be almost as bad.

How the hell do people so difficult to contact stay in business?

Good luck in your efforts to contact him.
Fellas, the man is always busy beyond belief. Not an excuse, and not covering for him, just stating the way it is, and has been for many, many years.
Fellas, the man is always busy beyond belief. Not an excuse, and not covering for him, just stating the way it is, and has been for many, many years.

If that's the case then it would be in his interests to have someone look after the phone and emails for him.
Using the contact form on the website for initial contact has generally worked for me.
If that's the case then it would be in his interests to have someone look after the phone and emails for him.

Yes, he is aware of this and has plans to get someone in to do this for him.

Email usually works for me, sometimes needs a gentle reminder to get a response though.
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I was hoping someone might have his mobi. number....:icon-cool:
I have to admit that I've been trying to contact him every few months for the last 18 months or so (yes 18 - that is a not a typo), using email and the form on JV's website. Only once got a reply, and when I responded with further info, never heard back. :-(

Obviously JV's excellent at what he does, hence why he has such a reputation and he's so busy; also why I'd like to take my truck to him for some TLC.

However those jobs are getting more urgent now, so I'm starting to look nearer to home for other options.
I went to see Julian on Saturday as he's base lining my truck for me. He mentioned he's looking for someone as there is a lot of work. Yes, it can be difficult to contact him but just persevere and you will get through.