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Unable to log in.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Country Flag
Hi guys, a fellow Land Cruiser member here in Spain was unable to log in, I am unsure if this happened to anyone else? Either way, thanks to the techs getting it sorted.

Many thanks


I was locked out all day yesterday until it crossed my mind near midnight to try on her ipad only to see the forum active .

System tools - disk clean up and defragment got me back on again .
Hi Dave,
Yes... same problem, both on tablet and on mobile!
502 is a Server Gateway error, so it's a techie problem. Sometimes you could just refresh the error page several times and it would then connect!
Been having the problem for several days, sometimes it connects, other times the error code. In fact, it started the day of Chris's funeral.... !!
Good men never die!
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Yep. Same here. Site seemed to be down all day yesterday. I kept getting a Cloudfare error page. Maybe Chris was giving us all a nudge from 'the other side'.
I was getting the 'Cloudfare' message as well, and now I'm getting the dreaded 'forbidden' message again on my I-phone 7.

I've forgotten how I cleared that the last time (not a phone geek !), someone remind me please.

I've tried to find browsing history on the phone and have deleted a lot of old pages, but I'm still barred.

Life used to be so simple :doh:.

I asked my daughter to give me a phone book. She laughed at me, called me a boomer and lent me her iPhone. So, the spider is dead, her iPhone is broken and my daughter is furious....
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I've forgotten how I cleared that the last time (not a phone geek !), someone remind me please.

Hmmm... I've just tried logging in on my [Android] phone and it worked OK. If you're still unable to login on your phone, you could try clearing your browser's cache [There should be an option for that in Settings somewhere] although I'm not 100% sure that'll fix it as I suspect it's a session cookie' issue. Won't do any harm though --a bit like giving your browser a digital enema.
If it's that cloudfare error, there's nothing we can do at our end

No. The CloudFlare error was the one that says everything is OK at their end, but the forum server is unreachable. Presumably a temporary glitch in the Matrix, as we're all back now.
I’m back on my I phone after a lot of Google searching.
Now, I’m supposed to be working on the Amazon……
Gets a bit confusing with their their and our end, but I just meant that for the cloudfare server error, there's no point users fiddling around with browser caches and cookies - it's a server issue beyond our control...

But the forbidden error usually does benefit from deleting the cookies.

That's my understanding anyway!
Just to add, it said cloudflare server error was the one at fault on my android, with a red cross and statement, others areas had a green tick.
This is the second time in about a week or so, so becoming the norm. Hey ho.
No point in complaining or even raising it any more.
I've been in contact with crispin via text. Think hes sorted the issue again
I had the same problem. I deleted the site cookie and it solved the problem immediatly.

On a Macbook:

Open Safari
'Manage website data'
Use the search bar to find ''
Select ''
hit 'Remove'

You'll have to log back in when you get to the site then you should be up and running again.
I was locked out all day yesterday until it crossed my mind near midnight to try on her ipad only to see the forum active .

System tools - disk clean up and defragment got me back on again .

I could not log in via two different laptops and my Android phone, I have multiple browsers on the same machines and they all returned the 502 error, knowing it was nothing I could do I just left it, no fretting, just got on with other 'stuff', either way the techs were on it pretty quick. :clap:

I was only trying to contact a member via a PM, so did it this morning.

