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were you at Lincomb?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
If you were at the Lincomb weekend just gone, we need your help...

Tony is searching for punch 26. I put it out but being old, obviously decrepit and with no short-term memory what-so-ever, I can't remember where I placed it! Tony and me collected all the others on the Sunday afternoon but I didn't have a clue where I'd placed this punch. His search goes on for 26!

Tell us where it is please.

Regards from an old duffer!
It's here :)


Just so happens that it's one that I took a photo of :shock: :shifty:

I think from what I can remember it's on one of the tracks that heads down towards the gulley full of bricks, if that makes sense :?

If you are in the open green area & head up the hill to the top :think: I think, turning right @ the top in the direction of the brick filled gulley :think: I seem to think it was on the back of a tree :roll: :D on the right of a track heading down in that direction :thumbup:

I think :think: :shifty: :? :D
And from what I can remember it was on a track more over to the right after youv've turned right @ the top of the hill :think:

I think :) :pray:
I think Tony may be working away from the farm this week so it'll be the weekend before we know.
Hi Guys,

No!! Up the grassy hill as you go in, turn right, towards bottom of Rubie hill, then where? Is it before the pylon area? :?
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Up the less looney hill to the right of Rubie Hill, the one that when @ the top if you turn left then left again brings you to the top of Rubie Hill. When @ the top of the less looney hill turn right & head down towards the gulley full of bricks & I'm prety certain that it's along there somewhere on your right :) I think :think:
If it's that hard to find, just leave it out for the Autumn and we'll look for it then.

Bring it on. Hooyah!

Go to the pilon area and go up the first run on the left when you are facing the pilon. 26 was possibly up there??? :think:
Just strimming up there now, no luck so far. Will keep looking.
Chris Mann said:
Go to the pilon area and go up the first run on the left when you are facing the pilon. 26 was possibly up there??? :think:

Yes been up there, found two, but still no 26!

It still might be there in sept!!

The search continues, :?
Found it!! I have to admit I went passed it and looked straight at it for the last 2 days, then yesterday evening took the wife, and yes, there it was. :whistle: :clap:
Its no wonder it was so tricky to find on the weekend then Tony!!!

Well done ;)