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Whats the strangest thing youve found in the road??


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
Country Flag
Driving along the road this afternoon I saw a large plastic box in the gutter & some sacking laying near by.

Around this, laying in the road were...............??? (some were squashed & of no use).

Strangely only yesterday, she who must be obeyed, asked me to get a couple for Christmas, so I should be in her good books tonight when I get home.:angelic-flying:

I'll post a pic later!

as a clue, I live on the south coast

Gary why would Andys SWMBO want a couple of refugees for Christmas? or maybe I shouldn't ask. :icon-confused:

All sing along now.......

"All I want for Christmas is my two....refugees....."
South Coast - people smuggling - slavery

We hear about what you lot get up to down there you know - you just wait until we get independence. Then you'll be sorry ....

;) :)
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No ones even the slightest bit warm yet............mmmmmm....refugees for her for Xmas, that might be a good idea!

got a big metal pot bubbling away on the hob right now,

ive never heard of anybody finding this / these on the road..... Quite a valuable haul really
Got to be lobsters then

Gary, you are a genius!! Its a bit like you coming across a herd of anticlockwise haggises (or should that be Haggi) running up the A9.

Not the usual sort of thing you generally find crawling around in the road, obviously the box fell off the back of a pick up taking them from the fishing boats here.
So dinner is sorted, a new fish box for on my boat & a lot of brownie points from the boss! photo 2.jpg
The biggest one weighed 4 1/2 lb, & there were about a dozen other squashed ones there, people were just driving through them!
Pure class!

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I dunno, profiting from another poor souls loss, seems a bit shellfish to me :lol::lol::lol:
They were mine, I shot them on the downs the other day.:laughing-rolling:
Another 'odd one': Many years ago my brother in law was a traffic officer with Thames Valley Constabulary & the message came over the radio for him & his crewmate to collect a coffin which had fallen from a hearse onto the 3rd lane of the M4 near Reading... after much "discussion" in the car, he lost the toss & had to get out and collect it. Much to his relief it wasn't occupied at the time! Police car looked a bit odd with it stuck out the boot on the way back to base though.