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Wheel Spacers

Wheel spacers are the Devils work, puts extra strain on the wheel bearings, your wheels will drop off.
Always two views isn't there. I have run many sets on different vehicles including the off road 80 on 37's with not one single issue. But I would not fit 50mm ones. I'd change the offset of the wheels
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Always two views isn't there. I have run many sets on different vehicles including the off road 80 on 37's with not one single issue. But I would not fit 50mm ones. I'd change the offset of the wheels
Actually I think they are 30mm on mine I remember I chickened out on 50 mm
what tread you looking for AT or MT, I don't think they are any 315's in AT available in the UK MT's are easy to get
Always two views isn't there. I have run many sets on different vehicles including the off road 80 on 37's with not one single issue. But I would not fit 50mm ones. I'd change the offset of the wheels
Might have to go for some steel modular wheels in a different offset
Looking for AT's David
As I said in my post I don't think they exist here, well I could not find any AT's in that size a few months back
I'm running 315 AT but of course they're 35"
Try and source some 18" wheels, I think were fitted as standard on some later models, Dont know if UK spec trucks had them, But some were fitted as standard..
I'm running 315 AT but of course they're 35"
Chris what brand have you got, Cooper nor BFG list any 315's in AT at the moment
Both David. I have two sets. BFG Ats and Cooper MTs from memory. Can't recall their precise 'model' They're not the brand new BFGs though. Didn't have a grand lying about.
Yep, 18" were fitted from the second facelift, up from 16", all UK 100 were fitted with 18" wheels from the second facelift late 2003 if I recall correctly.

Good Luck if you look for some 18" as they are as rare as hen's teeth, in used condition, although they do come up on eBay now an then.

Don't quote me, I think you could fit the 18" wheels from a 200 series, there were some new wheels with tyres fitted on eBay recently, seller said they were removed from a 200 that had been fitted with run flat wheels and tyres for an UN armored upgrade 200.
Added stress on wheel bearings is non-issue for reasonable sized wheel spacers. I've been running 30mm wheel spacers on the same bearings for over 15 years. Recommend hub centric ones like these...
