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Window mod...battery drain.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
Country Flag
After a low battery/no start crisis this morning I've checked the battery drain and it's now over 170ma, up from the normal 45ma, parked and locked/alarm set. I've narrowed it down to the 'permanent live' window mod I did last week. Took the strap out, replaced the relay and all is well. So why the extra drain and has anyone else noticed this? All the windows work fine with the relay either in or strapped out.
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Got an almost identical drain problem on mine.
Do you mean your battery drain is back to 45mA having removed the window mod?
Posted details of my situation earlier and hope some one may come up with a suggestion or direction for further investigation.
Yes, the extra draw was definately down to the widow mod (permanently 'live' so they work without the key in the ign). Removed the strap, replaced the OE relay and the current draw was normal again but, looking at the wiring diagram I can't figure out why.
107mA drain on mine through the permanent live jumper wire. I don't have any problems with flat batteries. There are probably a few ECU's powered from the same circuit and there's a small light under the Auto writing on the drivers window button which is probably sucking 20mA or so of that.
Noticed the light under the auto button tonight, never seen that before! Well, looking back at the week prior to the 'no start' I'd been working on the LC all week on some interior mods and cleaning and had most of the doors open for long periods, hence all the courtesy lights plus the marker lights in the doors will have been on. That plus the fact it hadn't been run all week probably didn't do the batteries any favours.
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Well, that explains why I have started seeing lower battery levels on the monitor. I thought they were on their way out..... The relay goes back in this weekend!
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Same here.

As my 80 is not my 'daily driver' it can sometimes be a couple of weeks between drives. Came to take her out this morning and she was clearly not happy, I could tell by the lack of distinct 'clunk' from the doors unlocking. Put the key in and she was having none of it.

I did this mod a few weeks before our Morocco trip this year. All was fine during the trip as she was being used daily, but since returning I have had two occasions where the batteries have been flat. Just been outside now and indeed the drivers side window switches are illuminated.

I will revert back to the relay tomorrow and see if the battery drain issue goes away.