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Bad Kissengen 2023 Planning


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2019
Country Flag
Back from my tour of Ireland (report to follow) and in typical chating around the camp fire style, discussing where the next trips will be taken, I floated the idea of organising a trip to the show in June 2023. I've never been, but understand its a good crack, weather dependent. Obviously it's a way off yet, but putting the idea forward early.

Anyone else up for a road trip and social?
Also a maybe - I was hoping to go a couple of years ago and then everyone got the flu and the World ended and I didn't leave the rock for two years... so 2023 is possible unless we all have Monkeypox by then.
Are there many restrictions for diesels? I hope to have my Collie back sometime in January and Bad Kissingen looks a reasonable journey (790kms). Sounds like a good crack.
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@Gary Stockton please can you change the title of this post by adding "planning" to the end. I will set up a second thread for attendance. Thanks
All, Changed the thread to be a planning section, will set up a second thread for attendance

Looked at ferry and tunnel costs.

Between £100 and £130 each way for a 100 series with something on the roof and extra length. about 35mins crossing.

Its cheaper to book on as a van (same dimensions) then it is for a car.
Crossing 90mins van £115, car £156

From Calais tunnel Station to Bad Kissengen is about 8.5hrs 751kms / 467miles per Google maps, but personally I'd rather detour to use some lesser travelled routes.

Obviously others have been before so would be interested to know "fun routes" to take or detours. Did you drive the EU leg solidly or break it up overnight?
From the north, ferry from Hull to Rotterdam is an overnight trip, about £500 return, leaves a much shorter trip to Bad Kissingen.... 570km or so, easily done in a day
Similar distance if you do Harwich-Hook of Holland. I'm tempted.
What are the considerations for taking a dog along ?
Ticket now purchased. Hopefully some of you maybe's turn into yes's
I need to be in Boston from 26th May to 5th June, so it's not going to work out for me this year.

I am sure it is going to be a great trip, and look forward to the pictures and review!
Won't be this year - in all honesty I forgot all about it, and we're now in full TT mode, sorry HMG. Hopefully next year!!!! Hope you have fun and as mentioned above, take lots of pics :)