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Brexit compensation?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
Country Flag
Already paid in full I think.

Brexit compensation.jpg
In that case I feel there should be a very large Thank You (££££) from Europe for "Rescuing" them, for the 2nd time (along with our Allies of course)
Wishful thinking.Brexit is a world class disaster.France and Germany will do everything vin their power to make sure that the UK has the worst possible deal.You only have to look at Greece to see what could be in store.Why on earth would Europe give anything to the U K? Ok we buy some Audis but that's about it.WTO rules mean that with no deal. 5% tariff on imports/exports will be the car manufacturers can kiss goodbye to their profits.Jaguar Landrover have invested a billion pounds in a plant in Eastern Europe , the writing is on the we speak politicians all over Europe are laughing their balls off
They're not trying to prevent's done , the only thing left to discuss are the terms & the UK. Is up shit creek without a paddle.The way it's seen from the Continent is that from the start the UK looked down on the European project & behaved like a mouthy drunk at the party , to use Shaynes analogy.The consequence is that France & Germany have been the biggest beneficiaries of Europe & have the most to loose so the UK will be hammered in's payback time folks & too late to start whining.
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The consequence is that France & Germany have been the biggest beneficiaries of Europe & have the most to loose so the UK will be hammered in's payback time folks & too late to start whining.

Well if they want to play like that, we'll just walk away, and say if you want a free trade deal, come and see us, otherwise, forget it, we have others that want to trade nicely and for free
Perhaps I should clarify my comments Brian.France and Germany have the most to loose from a breakup of the EU so the UK will be punished for leaving to set an example to others.No deal means WTO tariffs of 5% on UK exports to Europe.Taking the car industry as an example most of what they produce is for export & 5% is about their profit so adiós Nissan , Honda JLR & all the others.Germany has already said no trade deal without Free movement so the UK will end up with no influence in EU decisions & no restrictions on immigration from Europe.job done.
Well I think the statement still stands, No free trade deal, walk away, and the 5% works the other way on Imports as well. So both sides lose, but we will then be free to trade freely (which we can't do at the moment, EU rules) with the rest of the World
They (our Government) were talking about lowering Corporation Tax (I think) to attract businesses to open up here, so that should??? bring new businesses here, and keep existing ones here and happy. (maybe)
If we stay under those circumstances, I and a lot (51.9%) of others will not be happy

As for influence in the EU, we never had any, our money is all they wanted, and our successive spineless governments just gave it to them as well as our Sovereignty, Fishing, etc

I have wanted out of the EU for well over 2 decades, so the referendum result was music to my ears.
Now I don't remember referenda on signing away our powers to the EU (Lisbon Treaty etc) only the 1975
one on The Common Market

Now I'm starting to rant :(
Yes the 5% works both ways but its 1 vs 25 & nearly half of UK exports go to Europe.As for trade with other countries who are you thinking of? Australia & New Zealand? The sum total will have to match the buying power of the EU countries & I just can't see that happening.another third glossed over is that in or out all goods & services will still have to comply to EU rules & the UK will have no say in how they are framed. The UKs interdependance on Europe is wide & deep & to think we can just walk away is wishful thinking.The merits of Brexit apart the way it's being managed is a joke - I mean sending Boris FFS , I wouldn't sent him out to get a takeaway.Being arrogant & making threats is not the way to negotiate anything.
I agree about BoBo the clown
It's not just OZ and Kiwi, the Yanks, the Indians, and the Chinese are all lining up for deals along with the rest of the Commonwealth, I think there's enough there to be getting on with
All of these we have "trade deals" with now, but because we're in "The Club" their rules state we must put tariffs on the goods?
Yes they want to "punish" us, if we're daft enough to let them, to be quite honest, it will be a toss up between which is worse, them dealing us punishment, or WTO rules, of the 2 WTO will at least be fairer IMO

And if you get punished for daring to leave a club, who the hell wants to belong to it in the first place!

Hopefully sanity will prevail in the negotiations and we will all get a mutually beneficial deal
Negotiation being the operative word, give and take on both sides, hopefully

But I wont hold my breath

The Kiwis (I think) offered us their experienced negotiators to assist/help in the bartering.
Not heard anymore about that lately.
Yes the 5% works both ways but its 1 vs 25 & nearly half of UK exports go to Europe.As for trade with other countries who are you thinking of? Australia & New Zealand? The sum total will have to match the buying power of the EU countries & I just can't see that happening.another third glossed over is that in or out all goods & services will still have to comply to EU rules & the UK will have no say in how they are framed. The UKs interdependance on Europe is wide & deep & to think we can just walk away is wishful thinking.The merits of Brexit apart the way it's being managed is a joke - I mean sending Boris FFS , I wouldn't sent him out to get a takeaway.Being arrogant & making threats is not the way to negotiate anything.

Quite frankly, you are listening to far too much of the spin that comes from the EU. I'm watching this unfold as a UK national no longer resident in the UK.

Boris is actually quite right to be issuing threats, everyone else (Fr, De etc) is. The euroweenies are petrified of the long term fall out from Brexit. Their logic in trying to hit Britain hard has absolutely nothing to do with 'upset at the UK leaving the club'.
There is a very strong anti EU movement across Europe, even in France. Weaker nations are looking at the raping of Greece on top of a long term brain drain. Anyone with a brain knows that a federal Europe is inevitable, and its going to look like the USA with free health care. Super rich regions like California or in the EU case Germany and places like Greece, Bulgaria and Portugal resembling Flint, Michigan.
If the UK leaves and never mind thrives, just survives, it becomes the poster boy for every anti EU political group Europe wide. The European press IS going to paint an appalling picture of the UK, same as (for reasons beyond my understanding) we do of Russia, especially in terms of normal day to day life for average Joe Nobody.

Of course our goods and services have to reach euroweenie standards, IF they are being imported into the EU. Theres a big world and a huge developing world out there that Germany doesn't control. Britain doesnt actually need the EU (nor does it need us, although they are already reducing the CAP budget as a direct consequence of Brexit....).

In my mind, leaving the EU hurts them more than they let on, there are only 3 major contributors, the UK being one, whilst there are a lot of undependable corrupt economies to 'manage'.

In a nutshell, I'll give you the one reason why we needed to leave. The level of diktat in the wake of the world financial crisis issued to the 'loser' countries such as Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal etc was incredible. On a personal level, I sat through a private meeting where we were told that A,B,C etc were changing. Full stop. End of story. The question was raised of going to ministerial level and the reply given was simply that it 'was beyond the relevant ministers control, instruction had come directly from Germany, and that was how it was going to be from now on. I would also like you to bear in mind that I sat in that meeting, not as a trader or businessman, but as a government contractor; therefore we had no reason to be 'fobbed off'. The most senior person there was as unhappy about what was happening as anyone.
Democracy? Freedom? Its the Fourth Reich, I deal with Germans, I like them personally, but I dont want to be the subject of one of Merkels successors.............

I found it amusing to read about people in the UK looking for Irish passports in the wake of Brexit. I renewed my UK one!!
Quite frankly, you are listening to far too much of the spin that comes from the EU. I'm watching this unfold as a UK national no longer resident in the UK.

Boris is actually quite right to be issuing threats, everyone else (Fr, De etc) is. The euroweenies are petrified of the long term fall out from Brexit. Their logic in trying to hit Britain hard has absolutely nothing to do with 'upset at the UK leaving the club'.
There is a very strong anti EU movement across Europe, even in France. Weaker nations are looking at the raping of Greece on top of a long term brain drain. Anyone with a brain knows that a federal Europe is inevitable, and its going to look like the USA with free health care. Super rich regions like California or in the EU case Germany and places like Greece, Bulgaria and Portugal resembling Flint, Michigan.
If the UK leaves and never mind thrives, just survives, it becomes the poster boy for every anti EU political group Europe wide. The European press IS going to paint an appalling picture of the UK, same as (for reasons beyond my understanding) we do of Russia, especially in terms of normal day to day life for average Joe Nobody.

Of course our goods and services have to reach euroweenie standards, IF they are being imported into the EU. Theres a big world and a huge developing world out there that Germany doesn't control. Britain doesnt actually need the EU (nor does it need us, although they are already reducing the CAP budget as a direct consequence of Brexit....).

In my mind, leaving the EU hurts them more than they let on, there are only 3 major contributors, the UK being one, whilst there are a lot of undependable corrupt economies to 'manage'.

In a nutshell, I'll give you the one reason why we needed to leave. The level of diktat in the wake of the world financial crisis issued to the 'loser' countries such as Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal etc was incredible. On a personal level, I sat through a private meeting where we were told that A,B,C etc were changing. Full stop. End of story. The question was raised of going to ministerial level and the reply given was simply that it 'was beyond the relevant ministers control, instruction had come directly from Germany, and that was how it was going to be from now on. I would also like you to bear in mind that I sat in that meeting, not as a trader or businessman, but as a government contractor; therefore we had no reason to be 'fobbed off'. The most senior person there was as unhappy about what was happening as anyone.
Democracy? Freedom? Its the Fourth Reich, I deal with Germans, I like them personally, but I dont want to be the subject of one of Merkels successors.............

I found it amusing to read about people in the UK looking for Irish passports in the wake of Brexit. I renewed my UK one!!
I'm not a EU supporter & I think a lot of what you say is valid but Spain & Ireland didn't need Merkel or the troika to screw their own citizens to pay for bank bailouts.It's hard to imagine the worlds biggest free trade zone being dismantled in the face of corporate interests.France has voted "in" for the moment rejecting Le Pen , Holland has made a similar move.I'm really not that bothered if the UK is in or out but the lies , xenophobia & outright racism are worrying to say the least.What exactly is the UK threatening the EU with? A marmite embargo? I know a fuckwit when I see one & Boris ticks all the single market & you can say adiós to all the car manufacturers - the bankers & finance are on their way to Dublin so what's left? Germany & the EU have the whip hand - no free movement no single market access.good luck with selling lots of marmite to the Canadians.
Its seems the Remainers "poor weak feeble insignificant backward looking nation with no negotiating clout" has caused a bit of a nuisance for the mighty european empire

Who wudda thunk it huh , well apart from uneducated racist bigots like me , i'd sure like to know where i got those qualifications from though ?
Can't see the link Shayne. I tell you what though, I have never been more ashamed of my country of birth. I hope you guys crowing about this are young enough to reap the cost - what's certain is my son will, am I'm so incredibly upset that he won't get the benefits we inherited and threw away.