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Damar (


Staff member
Feb 24, 2010
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Next-day free delivery with DPD for an order costing only £8.99. Cracking stuff.
I've always used them :D Cracking firm :thumbup: They used to have a stand @ Donnington :)
sae70 said:
I've ordered me some bits & bobs from Damar Webbing & they delivered while I was away :D

Selection of 5 ton 50mm recovery strops

1 x 2000mm in Black to be used as a bridle between my two front pig tail hooks.
1 x 4000mm in Red for general recovery & towing on the queens highways.
1 x 6000mm in Red for general recovery.
1 x 8000mm in Red for general recovery.

2 x Bespoke (very short strap on ratchet & reversed hook) 800Kg ratchet straps in Red for securing the coffin box in the rear of Fiery.

1 X endless 800Kg ratchet strap in Red to replace my existing worn one.

4 x 3000mm 800Kg cam buckle straps in Red.
(one to secure my Zarges box another to stop the coffin box flying forwards in an accident & the other two just to replace my existing yellow ones).

2 x 1000mm 800Kg cam buckle straps in Red.
(both to be cut & secured to the sides of the coffin box for securing the lid in place)

Do you see a common theam here :?: :p I know it's a bit shallow isn't it :?: :!: :oops: :D

I do already have the 4, 6 & 8 meter 5 ton recovery strops in Blue as they matched the colours of my last truck :p :oops: But Red will look better inside Fiery :p I also have more than enough cam buckle straps but they are not Red either :roll: :lol:

Anyways :) Very happy with the service & products from Damar :D Top chaps :thumbup:


Shame they only list one small size of shackle, this post reminded me I wanted a few bits and pieces.
I just got some rated shackles off fleabay for £12. 2 x 3.75t and 1 6t.
Pity the postage is 10...

Sent from TapaTalk
I can get them localy for sensible money, several lifting gear supply and manufacturing places places round here but on-line with free delivery would have been even more convenient :)
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Crispin said:
I won't be needing them this weekend anyway :whistle:
You might need one to connect your tree strop and winch hook when the Atrac doesn't cut it again :whistle:

(Sorry I couldn't resist getting the banter started :shh: )

PS: I've got shackles for when I need you to recover me from the forest...again! :lol:
getting the disclaimer in now: My ATs on the rear are not looking too good so if there is any mud... :violin:
You don't need rated shackles :shifty: :) All you need is one 20mm 'D' shackle, one 20mm Bow shackle & one 1/2" 'D' shackle for locking off your Hi-Lift if you have one :thumbup:

All of this according to Mr Goodwinch :D He also goes on to say you'll never break a 20mm shackle before you break whatever it's attached to :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap:
I'm not fussed on if they rated or not other than I'm sh1t with measurements so if I did it by "mm wide" I would end up getting something Tommo could use on his ship :doh:
They're even closer to me than Milners. Really top lads. Will make up anything you want on the spot. I had a winch extension strap made. I asked how long could they make it.

The reply?

5 kilometres :shock:

I settled on 30 meters.

Damar does it yet again.
I needed some new straps and fixings for lashing my Adventure bike to my trailer for an event this month. I wasn't keen on what I had - not for a bike weighing 270kg and worth quite a bit too.

I popped round to Damar at lunchtime. Met by chap on the desk who listened intently without me having to explain twice. He came back with components and a design. OK he said, how many and how long? We settled on 4 at 2m each. In 20 mins they were made and I was on my way home. £7 each!!!!

Just brilliant. And not a hint of Brexit whatsoever!