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End of Gas Boilers.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
Yes this is coming soon. What will be coming down the gas pipes. Very hot water so you can bypass the boiler and plumb the gas pipe straight into the rad circuit. Now that would be easy?
I just had a £1000 grant from cadent (gas supplier) towards my connection on a new build . Seems they need to make their mind up.
They dont need to Gav. Just gets rid of another grand. well it actually makes a grand spear from thin air but that's another story regarding the banking system!

Frank. we gota go green and save the planet you know. Ffs joke!
I am now a firm believer that any of the environmental decisions made by those involved are made without an ounce of common sense or reality.... only a sense of profit for those that have vested interest .

No sane person can actually believe EV's can work for all the population ... let alone farming , trucking and plant . And don't even think about who owns all the minerals needed to make the battery's and can turn the tap off at any time ..... our enemy China !

They are banning log burners yet we live in a forest and have 100's of ash trees that are dying and need cutting and make the best firewood .

Has anyone calculated the carbon footprint of replacing all the gas and oil heating systems that have a perfectly good long life ahead of them ? No..... because it's all based on hot air (pun intended)

The greenest heating system/ car / house etc is one that is built to last a lifetime or a good proportion of..... a rebuilt moggy minor or a 60/70/ 80 series is greener than any Tesla ever will be over it's lifetime .

We now more than ever need a Ministry of Common Sense..... devoid of vested interest from industry and science ..... in a previous job testing AG machines against competitors I long ago learned that figures were not facts and could be manipulated to show whatever we wanted
Charging EV's won't be the issue most people imagine, does anyone seriously think us plebs are part of the utopia those who own the world have planned for themselves and those they control, any of us that survive into the hell they envisage will be expected to use public transport or a bike.

I also have no doubt that if any of us are bad enough toi try to keep our old motors running as the new world unfolds that they'll tax us till we simply can't keep going.

My hope is that they'll have to put things back a few years, assuming their present convoluted attempts to change the world into one that suits them better fails, i just wish a few more people would wake up to the fact the state is not our friend.
This stuff is so political.

Here in the states, Gas boilers are now becoming popular, alongside diesel cars. It's like they just move from one market to another and flip flop whenever it suits them!
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I too dont get it. Its the government that encouraged everyone to buy diesels by reducing tax few years ago and now suddenly all diesel owners are bad and electric owners are good. Strange thing is individuals are made guilty for doing something but its the system which forced individuals into those choices. Like me there are millions who can work from home but the system want them to go to office burning fuel and wasting time and money in traffic. In lockdown we worked from home for more than a year and only used cars for leisure. Governments will adopt but it ll take lot of time. Our generation is witnessing transition. We saw old school smoky engines, efficient fuel engines and now electric. Our kids ll only see electrics and robots. :)
They need your cash reserves so its forced sell , who else is gonna pay for their V8 limo's , heated swimming pools and private jets .
This was discussed on a phone in program on Radio 2 last week. According to the "experts" the answer will be a combination of hydrogen fired boilers, heat exchanger/heat pumps and some possible use of sustainable wood burning systems, all very much dependant on where in the country you live. Apparently, hydrogen can be used to dilute natural gas up to a point but that doesn't achieve the Holy Grail of zero carbon of course. That requires new modified boilers and some upgrading of the gas infrastructure. I've noticed in the last year or two that wood burners are becoming more popular in our area. If they are accepted as part of the "answer" I can see that becoming a problem. One thing all the experts agreed on is rhat there will probably be a rush on new gas boilers before the fitting ban comes into force.
They are banning log burners yet we live in a forest and have 100's of ash trees that are dying and need cutting and make the best firewood .

"They" are not. They are banning sales of wood with a volume under 2m sq with a moisture content above 20%.

Are smoke free zone areas changing? Not seen that.
Hydrogen TP?

is that the same stuff as they have been telling us for years doesnt work for running cars?
Hydrogen is the perfect fuel, of that there is no question. Apart from the fact it uses power to actually produce it, the other problem is it doesn't travel well meaning it couldn't be piped round the country via the existing gas network as it stands. They didn't say why but I'm guessing it's something to do with it's very low density, so areas with an abundance of wind turbines and solar power would be the best candidates. Whichever options are used, no doubt there will be £billions to be made by someone.
Too many people have overrun and outgrown the planet.
Wood burners. Great, cut the trees down, dry them out with energy, then burn them.
If wood burners become acceptable as part of the solution you can imagine what will happen, there won"t be a tree left in the country in 10 years!
Hydrogen! That's what they used in the Hindenberg, isn't it? So is it now safe to use all of a sudden?
