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Facebook alternative


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2019
Country Flag
So I finally got so fed up with every other post being an advert for some pile of junk or legal scam and, getting banned for a week for telling someone to "crack on with their day", that I have set in motion the 30days (why so long) deletion process.

Iam now looking at alternatives, so set up a MeWe account today but relatively few members though the platform seems good. What others are people using?
For what Facebook is, there isn't another platform to replace it. But Instagram and Twitter have 'communities' but I suspect max signal: noise ratios are in forums like this club.

Guess it depends on what you are looking for really
At @GeekOKent I disagree. There are other platforms that mirror Facebook without the censorship and ads.

Instagram is a vile platform mostly full of fake individuals, false content and self promotion. It's also another Facebook controlled company.

Don't know what I am looking for with social media now. For me it's become too controlled and too commercial.
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MeWe is that not the place where all the conspiracy theorists, and anti-vaxxers go when they get kicked out of FB
Yeah, that's it. Facebook basically has a monopoly down to how many people are on there. No one is coming close in a hurry.

Every other platform like that is some sort of a 'focus' group really.

Quite a few people walking away from it and only going back to things like the marketplace or family groups etc.
Thankfully I've have absolutely no idea what was mentioned up above
As the bald bloke in one of the Matrix films said Ignorance Is Bliss
And I think I'm eating steak
I'm under pressure to join Facebook instead of using Emma's phone to contact random blokes on Marketplace. Not going to happen though.
Contact random blokes
Jacob would you do such a thing you Always came across as a Family Type of full blooded Man not rainbow variety
My guess is if MeWe grows to any extent it will go the way of Parler, which tried to provide a "polictically neutral" Twitter, which oddly only one small slice of the political spectrum seemed to populate. Then the big cloud providers didn't want to be associated with it. And ultimately if you are going to be a big social network you are going to need their buy in.
Tumblr died a death when the censorship became too much and nothing seems to have replaced it.
Tumblr died a death when the censorship became too much and nothing seems to have replaced it.

Replaced what aspect of it? As a micro-blog I'd say the world has moved to TikTok, because no one micro-blogs with static images any more. I think Tumblr's problem was they grew big on VC money but once someone (Yahoo?) tried to monetize it big advertisers didn't want to touch it with all the adult content. Tumblr got a bit over zealous with what they were flagging and banning which combined with the old-fashioned interface did for them.
Jacob thought you miss spelt tumble dryer
The answer is Discord. Perfect for "Common Interests Groups". You can set up either a DM-group for max 10 people or a server for any number.
No ads, no nagging, no commercial interest. Perfect for forums like this, in fact; with groups and channels.
It's nothing like open facebook, but can replace closed facebook groups.